Saturday 27 November 2010

Aus Day 69 - A Walk Through The Tree Tops

Saturday 27th November    Aus Day 69

Rose at 06.30, shower and breakfast. There is no sign of the kookaburras this morning. I completed and published yesterday’s Blog and caught up with my travel accounts.

I Departed the caravan park at 09.20 and went into Walpole to get a few provisions at the supermarket then headed for the “Tree Top Walk” in the “Valley of the Giants”, where I arrived at about 10.30.

The Entrance To The Tree Top Walk
This attraction has three parts to it, the Discovery Centre which is a small educational facility, probably aimed at school parties. The Ancient Empire which is a 400 metre boardwalk constructed amongst the giant Tingle, Marri and Karri trees. The Tingle trees, in particular, can be traced back some 65 million years to the time when the super continent “Gondwana” existed. However, Tingle trees today are confined to an area of approximately 6000 hectares, in Western Australia, between the Deep River in the west and the Bow River in the east and within 10 kilometres of the coast.

A Very Rare Slipper Orchid In The Fork Of A Tingle Tree
The "Grandmother" Tingle Tree In The "Ancient Empire"
A Fallen Giant In The "Ancient Empire"
Finally, there is the 600 metre long “Tree Top Walk” which is constructed of six 60-metre lightweight bridge spans on seven pylons reaching a maximum height of 40 metres over a small creek at the bottom of the valley. The spans sway and bounce as you walk across, designed to give the feeling that you are actually in the canopy of the forest.
The Start Of The Tree Top Walk

Tree Top Walk View Of The Tingle, Marri & Karri Trees

The Tree Top Walk "Floating" In The Forest Canopy
You Should Feel The Sway At 40 Metres Up!!!
The Forest Canopy From Above
Looking Back Up Into The Tree Tops
I departed from the Tree Top Walk at about 1.15 pm and headed for Denmark (the town not the country) via Bow Bridge, re-enacting my old “Sunday Afternoon Driver” role.

I called into the Visitor Information Centre, mainly to see the Bert Bolle Barometer which is claimed to be the World’s largest at 12 metres high.

From there I drove the 8 km to the Ocean Beach Holiday Park which is a “Big4” site but, must be one of their least expensive at $30 per night so; I’ve booked in for 2 nights even though I haven’t decided what, if anything, I will be doing tomorrow. It may be just a chill-out opportunity.

Having spent some time drafting this Blog edition it was time for my regular Skype contact with the lovely Eileen and once again this proved to be the highlight of my day.

I had a simple tea of beans on toast and then relaxed in front of the TV for a while before getting back to finishing this Blog before Zebedee catches up with me. As you will now realise I managed to get the job done in time to watch a bit more TV before it was time for lights out. Good night all.

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