Saturday 20 November 2010

Aus Day 61 - A Trip Round The Wineries

Friday 19th November   Aus Day 61

Rose at 07.00, missing Eileen and counting the days until I can be with her again. Shower and breakfast then leisurely time publishing yesterday’s Blog and dealing with emails. Made enquiries about accommodation in Bangkok for my stopover on the way back to the UK. I have still not had a response from Honda Blackpool with regard to taking delivery of my new car, if there is no response by tomorrow I will have to hasten them.

I was picked up by Tony of “Cheers” tours along with a dozen others at 10.45 and off we went to our first winery, “Redgate”, not far to the south west of Margaret River where we sampled 11 different wines from a Sauvignon Blanc, through a Shiraz to a very nice White Port. We were given lots of information and a copy of tasting notes before finally being offered the opportunity to purchase, at a discount, of course. I was not able to take advantage due to my very limited luggage capacity which I have referred to previously.
Entrance to the Redgate Winery
Our Sampling Session at the Redgate Winery
We moved on to the next winery “Watershed” where we went through the same process with a similar range of wines. There seemed to be a general feeling amongst our group that the first winery wines were of a better quality.

The Watershed Cellar Door Bar
Our next port of call was at the Margaret River Venison Farm where we sampled a range of different venison products. There was some surprise at the range of products available.

About to Sample The Venison Products
Before going for lunch, Tony took us to North Point at Gracetown for a photo shoot. This is very close to Cowaramup Reef where I spent some time yesterday.
View at Northpoint Gracetown
JB at Northpoint Gracetown
Part of our Tour Group at Northpoint Gracetown
We had lunch at the Lavender Vale Winery, after yet another tasting session. I had chosen the Anti Pasta selection which was lovely while others had chosen chicken pie, lasagna or fish & chips.

After lunch, it was on to the final winery of the day which was the smallest and called Bettenay’s. This is known as a boutique winery because they only produce a relatively small quantity, having about 25 acres under vine. Their Chilli Port was very interesting.

Entering Bettenay's the Boutique Winery
We were then whisked off to the Chocolate Factory. However, there was no Willy Wonka and no Oompa Loompas but, there was a Christmas Tree and free samples of Belgian chocolate.

Entrance Sign at the Chocolate Company

A Christmas Wonderland of Chocolate
It took Tony some time to usher everyone out of the chocolate factory but we were then on our way to the cheese emporium where a variety of cheeses were laid out for us to taste with, of course, the opportunity to purchase.

Sampling The Cheese Products
Finally, we were taken to the Colonial Brewery where we were able to buy a selection of 5 different beers at the discount price of $10.00 so it just had to be done. However, the experience did nothing to dispel my opinion that the Aussies just cannot produce a ‘proper’ beer.

The Outdoor Bar at the Colonial Brewery
A "Paddle" of 5 Different Beers - Supposedly English Style

JB and "Twin" on the Winery Tour - No Relation, Just Coincidence

The time was now gone 5.00 pm and we were ferried back to our respective accommodations with the Riverside Tourist Park being the last at 5.40 pm.

On return, I set up the laptop and finally established contact with Eileen just after 6.00 pm and had a lovely long chat.

Time then for a spot of tea, actually a bacon roll to use up the opened bacon, and then set to, drafting today’s Blog which you are now reading. I haven’t yet decided what to do tomorrow but may decide to spend a further night here which would give me chance to explore Margaret River town itself. However, the Zebedee chap has arrived, a bit late at 10.50 pm and so “Time for Bed”.

Friday 19 November 2010

Aus Day 60 - A Saunter Down The Road and Canal Rocks

Thursday 18th November    Aus Day 60

Rose at 06.45, shower and breakfast before completing and publishing yesterday’s Blog and responding to a couple of emails. I’m looking to travel to Margaret River today but, it is only about 50 kms down the road.

Set off at about 09.45 and called into Coles in Dunsborough, then wandered down the Caves Road in the direction of Margaret River before turning off down the Canal Rocks Road which I got to the end of by 10.30. There is some spectacular wave action here in this specific geological formation.
Fisherman at Canal Rocks
Canal Rocks Breakers
JB at the Canal Rocks
Canal Rocks - The Beauty of Wave Power
I spent some time sitting on the rocks overlooking the canals, watching the breakers. Eventually continuing down the Caves Road I next turned off towards Gracetown and the Cowaramup Reef, with its much calmer bay which is designated as a swimming area. I strolled along the beach for a while and then had a prolonged lunch sitting in the van (away from the flies) while watching the waves breaking on the reef a few hundred yards out to sea. I eventually wrapped up and continued on my way, reaching the lovely town of Margaret River at about 2.00 pm, after passing many world famous wineries along the Caves Road.

Gracetown Beach and the Cowaramup Reef
Gracetown Beach and the Cowaramup Reef
Waves Breaking on the Cowaramup Reef
I booked into the Riverview Tourist Park and also booked onto the “Cheers” winery tour for tomorrow. Staying at this caravan park gives a 20% discount on the “Cheers” Tour which visits numerous wineries, the chocolate factory and the cheese company so; I should have quite a good (hic!!) report for tomorrow’s Blog.

The caravan park is situated in woodland right next to the Margaret River which is very slow flowing at the moment and there is a BBQ area right on the river bank.

The Margaret River From The Riverview Tourist Park
Had a relaxing evening with a couple of sundowners and then treated myself to strawberries and cream after tea. Then read a book and watched TV until Zebedee arrived with his "Time For Bed" at about 10.00.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Aus Day 59 - Stalectites and Surfers

Wednesday 17th November    Aus Day 59

Late up this morning at 07.45 after a disturbed night. I was up at 3.00 AM looking for more covers because of the cold.

Shower and breakfast before emailing Eileen and publishing yesterday’s Blog. I caught up with a bit more housekeeping in the van before setting off towards Yallingup at about 10.00. Finding the Ngilgi Cave was easy enough but I did have a few anxious moments trying to thread the van through the overhanging trees in the parking area.

I just made it to the entrance in time to join on the back of the latest tour group at 10.30. However, this was only a semi-guided tour and after the initial spiele and getting us all underground we were pointed in the right direction and then left to find our own way around, at our own pace.

Some of the Aboriginal Artwork at the Cave Area

The Mundane Entrance to the Ngilgi Cave Discovered in 1899
It was very interesting and I managed to get a number of decent photographs but I didn’t think it was as spectacular as the cave on Kephalonia, Greece, which I have visited in the past.
Stalactites in the Ngilgi Cave
The Central Cavern of Ngilgi Cave
A Cluster of Stalactites - Ngilgi Cave
After the cave, I made my way into Yallingup and discovered the Yallingup Reef Bay, with the surf up and lots of people on surfboards. This is a really lovely bay so I stopped there for a walk about and to watch the surfers for a while. I also had my lunch there while watching the breakers pounding on the rocks.
Breakers at Yallingup Reef Bay
JB at Yallingup Reef Bay
Surfers at Yallingup Reef Bay
I eventually made my way back to Dunsborough where I did a bit more shopping before returning to the caravan park. I was feeling a bit under the weather after my broken night so grabbed a couple of hours shut-eye before touching base with Eileen at about 4.45.

Feeling much better after that so made myself some tea and then set to, to draft today’s Blog. Finally completed the update and spent the rest of the evening researching Margaret River, where I intend to go tomorrow, and reading before Zebedee came calling and "Time for bed."

Aus Day 58 - No Whales, Will a Skink Do?

Tuesday 16th November    Aus Day 58

Up at 06.30 this morning, shower and breakfast. Need to get back into a routine now that I am by myself again.
Sorted the van out and it the road at 09.00 although I soon stopped for a photo shoot at Hungry Hollow Beach in Bunbury.
Sailing Ship Off Bunbury Beach
Hungry Hollow Beach - Bunbury
Having refuelled on the outskirts of Bunbury I continued down the Bussell Hwy with a small diversion via the scenic route at Capel through the forest but no photo opportunities presented. I reached Busselton at about 11.00 and called briefly into the Visitor Information Centre before pushing on to the beach road and a few pictures of a lovely beach. If Eileen had still been here I feel sure that we would have been unable to resist the urge for a quick dip in the ocean.
Busselton Beach
I continued into Dunsborough and quickly found the Caravan Park and by mid-day had booked in for two nights. Following a quick lunch I motored up to the Cape Naturaliste where there were lovely views over the Indian Ocean and a walk around the lighthouse including a trip to the Whale Lookout Point. Unfortunately, I had no luck with whale spotting today but I did come across a Stumpy-tailed skink sunning itself on the pathway.
The Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse
View From The Cape Naturaliste Whale Lookout Point
A Stumpy-Tailed Skink
Having completed the lighthouse circuit I paid a visit to Bunker Bay on the east side of the peninsula and then to Sugar Loaf Rock on the west side. Bunker Bay was quite sheltered but at Sugar Loaf Rock the wind was blowing quite strongly and the breakers were crashing constantly onto the rocks and small beach.
Bunker Bay - Cape Naturaliste
Bunker Bay - Cape Naturaliste
Sugar Loaf Rock - Cape Naturaliste
The Sugar Loaf Rock Bay
After visiting these two places I headed back to the caravan site and parked up in good time for my 5 pm Skype appointment with Eileen. I had called into Coles on my way through Dunsborough where, while gathering my few bits and pieces, I was serenaded by a rendition of “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.” This seemed rather appropriate as Eileen was off to attend a Christmas Party.

Cooked myself bacon and eggs for tea before settling down to draft today’s Blog whilst also watching a spot of TV. However, at about 10.30 it started to feel a bit cool an that chap Zebedee has caught up with me again and so it was "Time for Bed."

Tuesday 16 November 2010

A Day 57 - Caught Up At Last

Monday 15th November    Aus Day 57

Lazy lie-in until 07.30. I didn’t really want to get out of bed at all, as the temperature was a bit chilly, not what I’ve grown used to further north. Shower and breakfast and then I went to extend my stay at Bunbury by a further night. This will give me the opportunity to look around and also to get fully caught up (hopefully) with the Blog. I intend to do the 5 km walk around Leschenault Inlet.

Did some housekeeping on the van and then at about 09.45 I set off on the 5 km walk around the Inlet. Good healthy exercise but once again I was troubled by flies which you just cannot get rid of.

View of Bunbury Across the Leschenault Inlet
The Mangroves in the Inlet
View Across the Leschenault Inlet
JB on the Walk Around The Leschenault Inlet - Bunbury
Some of the Bird Life Around The Leschenault Inlet
During the walk I saw one Ibis type bird in the mangroves but was not quick enough with the camera to get a photo.

About ¾ of the way I came across a Community Artwork with a Steam Theme which celebrates the way the railways contributed to the establishment of Bunbury town.

Coincidentally, I was close to Coles so popped in to get a few bits and pieces before continuing to finish the 5 km walk at about 11.45. I had a short rest before lunch and then got stuck into the Blog updating and journey planning.

Finally got caught up to date with the Blog, apart from today’s entry. Thankfully established Skype contact with Eileen at 5.00 pm and had a lovely chat before also making contact with daughter Samantha for a lengthy talk. It seems very strange sitting here in the warm sunshine discussing Christmas and New Year arrangements. It is even more strange to walk around the shops and see all the Christmas decorations and hear Christmas Carols being played.

After tea, I had a lazy evening reading and watching TV, including the final of Junior Master Chef before retiring at 10.00.

Monday 15 November 2010

Aus Day 56 - Farewell to Perth and Eileen Arrives Home

Sunday 14th November    Aus Day 56

Rose at 07.30, missing Eileen but, have to soldier on. Shower and quick breakfast then gathered all my bits and pieces together in readiness for departure. Thanked Pat and Jean for their fantastic hospitality and set off at 09.45. Made my way back to the Kwinana Freeway via the Roe Hwy and headed south, heading for Bunbury. I exited the freeway at Pinjarra, preferring to take the slower but more scenic route down the South Western Highway through Waroona and Harvey. I was taking things easy but still arrived at the Bunbury Visitor Information Centre by 12.30 and after making enquiries and doing a bit of shopping booked into the Discovery Koombana Holiday Park by 13.15. This site is just by Koombana Beach and the Dolphin Discovery Centre. I may stay another day here as I need to spend some time getting right up to date with the Blog, my laundry and to do some research and planning for the remainder of my journey in Australia.

The Discovery Koombana Holiday Park - Bunbury
Went for a walk on the beach, which is right across the road at the back of the van. I am lead to believe that dolphins get into the bay but, I didn’t see any on this occasion.

Koombana Beach Thataway
Bunbury Roadside Flora
Koombana Beach - Bunbury
Returned to the van where I spent some time getting notes updated and finally made contact with Eileen, who had arrived home safely, at about 6.45. Unfortunately, the connection was very sporadic so will hopefully make better contact tomorrow.

Had a simple tea of sausage and beans and then spent the remainder of the evening updating the Blog. I have now completed up to Aus Day 55 so will be fully up to date before much longer.