Sunday 14 November 2010

Aus Day 53 - Into Perth and a Proper Bed

Thursday 11th November    Aus Day 53

Rose at 07.30, shower and breakfast and departed the site by 09.00 heading south down the recently completed Indian Ocean Drive between Cervantes and Lancelin. As we had plenty of time in hand, we made a point of calling into all of the small towns and bays along the way. After a while it becomes difficult to remember which is which but, I think the following are labelled correctly.
View From The Lookout at Lancelin
Guilderton - The Moore River Estuary
Aboriginal Sculpture at Two Rocks

Two Rocks Harbour - Can You Spot Why It's Called Two Rocks?

Neptune's Head at Two Rocks
We joined the Marshall Freeway at Joondalup and following the directions given to me by cousin Anita arrived safely at cousin Jean’s place at about 15.15.

Entering Perth on the Marshall Freeway
Perth City High Rise
Crossing the Swan River in Perth
We were made really welcome and are looking forward to spending a couple of nights in a “Proper” bed.

Everyone was tired as Pat & Jean had only arrived home early that morning so we had Chinese take away for dinner with a couple of drinks. Pat then entertained us with a showing of Avatar on his home cinema facility. An excellent film but rather long. We didn’t get to bed until mid-night.

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