Saturday 13 November 2010

Aus Day 52 - Pinnacles, Flies and An Offer Too Good To Refuse

Wednesday 10th November    Aus Day 52

Rose at 07.00, shower and breakfast and cleared van ready to move. We vacated the site by 08.30 despite trying not to rush, and set off towards Cervantes and The Pinnacles.

We hadn’t gone very far when we stopped off at the Molah Lookout which affords a good view out over the coast line between Jurien Bay and Cervantes.
View of the Coast From Molah Lookout

Molah Lookout Sign
We arrived in Cervantes by about 09.30 and decided to reserve a caravan site for tonight while we were there. Having successfully achieved that we continued to the Pinnacles in the Nambung National Park. We first went into the Discovery centre to get some idea of what the Pinnacles are, (still not clear) and to see what flora and fauna might be in the same area. We then set out on the 1.5 km walk through the Pinnacles which was unfortunately plagued with hoards of flies. So much so that we were eventually forced to cut short our exploration and beat a hasty retreat to the van.
Eileen Among the Pinnacles
JB at the Pinnacles
More Pinnacles
On our way back to Cervantes we diverted to Kangaroo Point which turned out to be yet another small beach similar to many others we have visited. With time on our hands we opted to return to Jurien Bay for a bit of shopping and an “all day breakfast” at the cafe next to the caravan park where we had stayed last night.
Eileen at Kangaroo Point
During the day I had been trying to arrange a caravan site in Perth for tomorrow when we received an offer of accommodation from cousin Jean and her husband Pat which was just too good to refuse. I had also finalised arrangements with Apollo to get the camper van into the agents in Perth in order to have the temporary repair to the turbo hose fixed with a permanent solution.

Thus we eventually returned to the Caravan site in Cervantes just as the rain set in for what seemed to be the rest of the day. This is the first real rain we have had since Eileen arrived. We were comfortable enough in our van and so spent the evening watching TV before turning in early.

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