Friday 12 November 2010

Aus Day 50 - A Lovely Town and A Lost Camera

Monday 8th November    Aus Day 50

Up at 07.00, shower in what might have been the original Telegraph Station ablutions, breakfast and then got van ready to go. Departed the site at 08.30 on the 480 + km drive to Geraldton, pausing to refuel at the Billabong Roadhouse and to photograph numerous roadside flora on the way.
The Billabong Roadhouse on the North West Coastal Highway
Roadside Flora - Reminded Me of Hands of Bananas
Roadside Flora
Turned off the highway 180 kms south of the Overlander Roadhouse heading for Kalbarri. We briefly entered the Kalbarri National Park and visited the Ross Graham Lookout
The Ross Graham Lookout in the Kalbarri National Park
above the Murchison River but decided not to explore the Park any further and continued to Kalbarri where we stopped for lunch. This little seaside town turned out to be really lovely and, in different circumstances, would have been a lovely place to stay.

JB at Kalbarri

Kalbarri Beach

Kalbarri Shops
After lunch e continued around the loop to rejoin the NWC Hwy at Northampton and then headed into Geraldton, where Eileen was amused by the “Wrong Way, Go Back” road signs.

Wrong Way - Go Back
We stopped briefly at the VIC and confirmed directions to the Greenough Rivermouth Caravan Park.

Having got ourselves established on the site and discovered the availability of some hand crafted jewellery; we headed back into Geraldton for a meal at Skeetas Restaurant.

Statue of Wiebbe Hayes - Hero of the Batavia

Freemasons Hotel - Geraldton
We had been hoping for some locally caught lobster but unfortunately, the season doesn’t commence for another week. We had a lovely meal anyway but I inadvertently left my camcorder behind when we left and didn’t discover the loss until about 10.30. However, a phone call verified that they had found the camera and would have it available for me to collect the following morning. Relief all round and off to bed.

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