Saturday 13 November 2010

Aus Day 52 - Pinnacles, Flies and An Offer Too Good To Refuse

Wednesday 10th November    Aus Day 52

Rose at 07.00, shower and breakfast and cleared van ready to move. We vacated the site by 08.30 despite trying not to rush, and set off towards Cervantes and The Pinnacles.

We hadn’t gone very far when we stopped off at the Molah Lookout which affords a good view out over the coast line between Jurien Bay and Cervantes.
View of the Coast From Molah Lookout

Molah Lookout Sign
We arrived in Cervantes by about 09.30 and decided to reserve a caravan site for tonight while we were there. Having successfully achieved that we continued to the Pinnacles in the Nambung National Park. We first went into the Discovery centre to get some idea of what the Pinnacles are, (still not clear) and to see what flora and fauna might be in the same area. We then set out on the 1.5 km walk through the Pinnacles which was unfortunately plagued with hoards of flies. So much so that we were eventually forced to cut short our exploration and beat a hasty retreat to the van.
Eileen Among the Pinnacles
JB at the Pinnacles
More Pinnacles
On our way back to Cervantes we diverted to Kangaroo Point which turned out to be yet another small beach similar to many others we have visited. With time on our hands we opted to return to Jurien Bay for a bit of shopping and an “all day breakfast” at the cafe next to the caravan park where we had stayed last night.
Eileen at Kangaroo Point
During the day I had been trying to arrange a caravan site in Perth for tomorrow when we received an offer of accommodation from cousin Jean and her husband Pat which was just too good to refuse. I had also finalised arrangements with Apollo to get the camper van into the agents in Perth in order to have the temporary repair to the turbo hose fixed with a permanent solution.

Thus we eventually returned to the Caravan site in Cervantes just as the rain set in for what seemed to be the rest of the day. This is the first real rain we have had since Eileen arrived. We were comfortable enough in our van and so spent the evening watching TV before turning in early.

Aus Day 51 - 'Low Fat' ???

Tuesday 9th November    Aus Day 51

Up at 07.00 shower, breakfast then returned to Skeetas restaurant, in Geraldton, to retrieve my camera. Raided the ATM and did a bit of shopping while we were there before departing at 09.00 heading south once again. The daily temperature is getting noticeably cooler as we head south but still much warmer than the UK.

We stopped briefly at the Greenough Historic Settlement and Visitor Centre for a quick look around but decided against doing the tour around the old site.
Central Greenough Historic Settlement
Travelled on and turned off the Brand Hwy, after we had sampled some of the ‘low fat’ cream cakes in Dongara, onto the Coastal Scenic Route, calling into a variety of small places on the way but finally arrived in Jurien Bay and booked into the Caravan Park at about 14.00.

Dongara Waterfront
Nobby Head Beach
Leeman From The Jetty
Green Head From the Jetty
We had a good long walk along the beach and back but decided against braving the elements for a swim. The wind was just too strong and chilly.

Returning to the van I attempted to get some updating done on the Blog and then we eventually had a BBQ for tea with Eileen trying out the kangaroo steak for the first time. Very tasty but we both ate too much. So, a couple of drinks and early to bed.

Friday 12 November 2010

Aus Day 50 - A Lovely Town and A Lost Camera

Monday 8th November    Aus Day 50

Up at 07.00, shower in what might have been the original Telegraph Station ablutions, breakfast and then got van ready to go. Departed the site at 08.30 on the 480 + km drive to Geraldton, pausing to refuel at the Billabong Roadhouse and to photograph numerous roadside flora on the way.
The Billabong Roadhouse on the North West Coastal Highway
Roadside Flora - Reminded Me of Hands of Bananas
Roadside Flora
Turned off the highway 180 kms south of the Overlander Roadhouse heading for Kalbarri. We briefly entered the Kalbarri National Park and visited the Ross Graham Lookout
The Ross Graham Lookout in the Kalbarri National Park
above the Murchison River but decided not to explore the Park any further and continued to Kalbarri where we stopped for lunch. This little seaside town turned out to be really lovely and, in different circumstances, would have been a lovely place to stay.

JB at Kalbarri

Kalbarri Beach

Kalbarri Shops
After lunch e continued around the loop to rejoin the NWC Hwy at Northampton and then headed into Geraldton, where Eileen was amused by the “Wrong Way, Go Back” road signs.

Wrong Way - Go Back
We stopped briefly at the VIC and confirmed directions to the Greenough Rivermouth Caravan Park.

Having got ourselves established on the site and discovered the availability of some hand crafted jewellery; we headed back into Geraldton for a meal at Skeetas Restaurant.

Statue of Wiebbe Hayes - Hero of the Batavia

Freemasons Hotel - Geraldton
We had been hoping for some locally caught lobster but unfortunately, the season doesn’t commence for another week. We had a lovely meal anyway but I inadvertently left my camcorder behind when we left and didn’t discover the loss until about 10.30. However, a phone call verified that they had found the camera and would have it available for me to collect the following morning. Relief all round and off to bed.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Aus Day 49 - Dolphins, Sharks and an Eagle Bluff

Sunday 7th November Aus Day 49

Alarm sounded at 05.30 and we were up straight away, shower and breakfast before doing the bit of tidying up that was necessary to get away by 07.00. We actually managed to depart the site at 06.50 and made the 28 kms to Monkey Mia by 07.15. We parked up and walked the short distance to the beach area where we spotted a number of dolphins already hovering, obviously waiting for the feeding session.
Dolphins at Monkey Mia
Dolphin at Monkey Mia
Dolphins Line Abreast at Monkey Mia
Dolphins Waiting to be Fed
It was a lovely experience seeing these wild animals coming so close to shore and demonstrating such trust in humans we took lots of photos and a considerable amount of video.

After the feeding session we visited the shop and got a few souvenir trinkets before heading back into Denham to refuel pausing to take photos of the “Little Lagoon” on the way.

Eileen at the Little Lagoon Near Denham
We set off from Denham back down the road towards the Highway with a few stops on the way. The first one being at the Ocean Park Natural Marine Exhibition, where Ralf gave a splendid tour explaining all about the many various fish types on the way round, finishing off with the sharks which were not hungry enough to be interested in the food that was being offered. It was an excellent exhibition which we both enjoyed.
Sea Anemone and "Nimo"
Young Turtle at the Ocean Park Natural Marine Exhibition
Shark at the Ocean Park Natural Marine Exhibition
The next port of call was Eagle Bluff, at the end of a 4 km dirt road where a boardwalk high above the bay provides an uninterrupted view across Shark Bay and on this occasion we were fortunate to observe 6 sharks coasting along in the clear waters far below.

View of Shark Bay from Eagle Bluff

View from Eagle Bluff Looking North
Eileen at Eagle Bluff
Leaving Eagle Bluff, we visited Shell Beach which has been created from hundreds of millions of tiny sea shells which are thought to be up to 4000 years old and are up to 5 metres deep in places. The beach is almost pure white and is a beautiful place for swimming.

Eileen at Shell Beach
Next up was Nanga Bay which is reached via a sealed road at the end of which is a caravan park and another lovely beach. We would have taken the opportunity for a swim if it were not for the strong wind which was now blowing.
Eileen at Nanga Bay With Foam Produced by the Wind

Soon we reached our final destination for the day, back at the Hamelin Pool Caravan Park which we had visited briefly yesterday when checking out the Stromatolites. There is not a lot else here, no mobile phone signal, no Internet signal but, it is a good jumping off spot for tomorrow when we intend to get to Kalbarri and maybe as far as Geraldton.
Hamelin Pool Caravan Park
We took another walk along the beach trail to the Stromatolite area before getting back to the van for sundowners at about 5.15 pm.

With no communications and no TV, we had a quiet evening with me desperately trying to catch up with drafting Blog entries and Eileen reading her book before turning in at about 10.00.

Monday 8 November 2010

Aus Day 48 - The Tropic of Capricorn and Stromatolites

Saturday 6th November    Aus Day 48

Rose at 06.30, shower, breakfast and got van ready to move. Left site at 08.45 and then refuelled and cleaned windscreen and side windows of cab before hitting the road at 09.10. We crossed the Tropic of Capricorn just after 10.00, naturally taking photos of the occasion.
Eileen at the Tropic Of Capricorn
JB at the Tropic of Capricorn
We rejoined the North West Coastal Hwy and headed south, refuelling at Carnarvon and again at the Overlander Roadhouse, just as we turned right onto the Denham/Monkey Mia road. After about 29 kms further on Eileen noticed a road sign which mentioned Stromatolites and since neither of us had ever heard the term e turned off and went the 5 kms to Hamelin Pool which is an historic Telegraph Station and Shell Block quarry.
The Historic Telegraph Station at Hamelin Pool
Old Crushed Shell Quarry
We discovered what Stromatolites are and then continued on the road to Denham arriving there at about 3.30 and called into the Visitor Information Centre and purchased tickets for Monkey Mia the following morning before checking into the Blue Dolphin Caravan Park.
Welcome To Denham - Shark Bay
Having set up the van we went to stock up on provisions and then walked the length of the promenade, about 1 km. On the way back we stopped off at the Denham Hotel for a quick drink whilst waiting for the sun to sink a bit lower in the sky in order to get pictures of the sunset.
Sunset At Denham - Shark Bay
By this time the wind was starting to feel decidedly chilly so we hurried back to the van where we had a lovely tuna salad for tea and then checked onto the Internet and established Skype contact with Eileen’s daughter and then a bit later with her daughter-in-law.

We eventually retired at about 10.30 with the intention of rising early in the morning in order to get to Monkey Mia in good time for the dolphin feeding.

Aus Day 47 - Snokeling and Sharks

Friday 5th November    Aus Day 47

Up at 06.10 to get on with Blog updating. Trying to fit this in is quite difficult at the moment. Breakfast and shower then called Apollo to report the EMC light and was given authority to continue until we reach Perth.

09.00 and time to slowly get ready for our boat trip on board the “Nhanya-Ku” at 10.00.

The boat arrived in the shallows and we waded out to it. There were 13 passengers and as soon as we were boarded we were able to see fish through the glass bottom.
The Nhanya_Ku Glass Bottom Boat
Eileen and Some of Our Fellow Passengers
Eileen Aboard the Nhanya_Ku
Some of The Fish Seen Through The Glass Bottom
More Fish Under the Boat
Giant Brain Coral Locally Known As Ayers Rock
Sailed out to the reef while we were given a running commentary all about coral and the local aquatic life. Once we were on station we were all kitted out with snorkeling gear and jumped into the water. The knack of snorkeling came back to me almost immediately, (fortunately) and the fish life and coral formations were brilliant.
JB Snorkeling in Coral Bay
The trip last almost 2½ hours and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. On return we waded ashore again and then went to the office and hired out snorkeling kit for the rest of the afternoon.

Following a quick lunch, we walked around the bay again to get to the shark sanctuary. Quite a long hike but this time we actually went far enough and were lucky enough to spot sharks cruising along in the shallow water although, with the wind and choppy seas, it was very difficult to spot them.
Coral Bay Near The Shark Nursery
After the walk back, we got out the snorkel gear and spent some time swimming in the shallow waters of the bay watching the numerous fish and manta rays.
JB and Eileen Snorkeling in Coral Bay
This has been a full, active day and by tea time we were both feeling quite tired so, after a brief chat with Ray and Mary whom we had originally met at Point Samson and who had appeared on this site today, we decided on pizza for tea which we obtained from the next door caravan site and brought back to the van. By the time we had finished eating we were almost asleep so watched a little TV before turning in.