Saturday 13 November 2010

Aus Day 51 - 'Low Fat' ???

Tuesday 9th November    Aus Day 51

Up at 07.00 shower, breakfast then returned to Skeetas restaurant, in Geraldton, to retrieve my camera. Raided the ATM and did a bit of shopping while we were there before departing at 09.00 heading south once again. The daily temperature is getting noticeably cooler as we head south but still much warmer than the UK.

We stopped briefly at the Greenough Historic Settlement and Visitor Centre for a quick look around but decided against doing the tour around the old site.
Central Greenough Historic Settlement
Travelled on and turned off the Brand Hwy, after we had sampled some of the ‘low fat’ cream cakes in Dongara, onto the Coastal Scenic Route, calling into a variety of small places on the way but finally arrived in Jurien Bay and booked into the Caravan Park at about 14.00.

Dongara Waterfront
Nobby Head Beach
Leeman From The Jetty
Green Head From the Jetty
We had a good long walk along the beach and back but decided against braving the elements for a swim. The wind was just too strong and chilly.

Returning to the van I attempted to get some updating done on the Blog and then we eventually had a BBQ for tea with Eileen trying out the kangaroo steak for the first time. Very tasty but we both ate too much. So, a couple of drinks and early to bed.

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