Monday 8 November 2010

Aus Day 48 - The Tropic of Capricorn and Stromatolites

Saturday 6th November    Aus Day 48

Rose at 06.30, shower, breakfast and got van ready to move. Left site at 08.45 and then refuelled and cleaned windscreen and side windows of cab before hitting the road at 09.10. We crossed the Tropic of Capricorn just after 10.00, naturally taking photos of the occasion.
Eileen at the Tropic Of Capricorn
JB at the Tropic of Capricorn
We rejoined the North West Coastal Hwy and headed south, refuelling at Carnarvon and again at the Overlander Roadhouse, just as we turned right onto the Denham/Monkey Mia road. After about 29 kms further on Eileen noticed a road sign which mentioned Stromatolites and since neither of us had ever heard the term e turned off and went the 5 kms to Hamelin Pool which is an historic Telegraph Station and Shell Block quarry.
The Historic Telegraph Station at Hamelin Pool
Old Crushed Shell Quarry
We discovered what Stromatolites are and then continued on the road to Denham arriving there at about 3.30 and called into the Visitor Information Centre and purchased tickets for Monkey Mia the following morning before checking into the Blue Dolphin Caravan Park.
Welcome To Denham - Shark Bay
Having set up the van we went to stock up on provisions and then walked the length of the promenade, about 1 km. On the way back we stopped off at the Denham Hotel for a quick drink whilst waiting for the sun to sink a bit lower in the sky in order to get pictures of the sunset.
Sunset At Denham - Shark Bay
By this time the wind was starting to feel decidedly chilly so we hurried back to the van where we had a lovely tuna salad for tea and then checked onto the Internet and established Skype contact with Eileen’s daughter and then a bit later with her daughter-in-law.

We eventually retired at about 10.30 with the intention of rising early in the morning in order to get to Monkey Mia in good time for the dolphin feeding.

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