Wednesday 5 May 2010

Tandem Sky-Dive Completed

Well as you can hopefully see from the above video clip I finally managed to get my tandem sky-dive experience completed. Sunday 2nd May, was a beautiful day at Cockerham airfield with the Black Knights Parachute Centre and following briefing and kitting up in a bright yellow coverall (yellow is not really my colour) we got airborne at about 09.30 and some 12 minutes later we were at 14,000 feet and that is were the video starts.
It was an exhilarating experience and if I were younger, I may have been tempted to take up the sport as a regular hobby as it is however, I think I will leave it to the younger generations. Should anyone be tempted to do a sky-dive I thoroughly recommend the experience.
That,s all for just now but will be back in the near future with more antipodean pictures.