Wednesday 17 November 2010

Aus Day 59 - Stalectites and Surfers

Wednesday 17th November    Aus Day 59

Late up this morning at 07.45 after a disturbed night. I was up at 3.00 AM looking for more covers because of the cold.

Shower and breakfast before emailing Eileen and publishing yesterday’s Blog. I caught up with a bit more housekeeping in the van before setting off towards Yallingup at about 10.00. Finding the Ngilgi Cave was easy enough but I did have a few anxious moments trying to thread the van through the overhanging trees in the parking area.

I just made it to the entrance in time to join on the back of the latest tour group at 10.30. However, this was only a semi-guided tour and after the initial spiele and getting us all underground we were pointed in the right direction and then left to find our own way around, at our own pace.

Some of the Aboriginal Artwork at the Cave Area

The Mundane Entrance to the Ngilgi Cave Discovered in 1899
It was very interesting and I managed to get a number of decent photographs but I didn’t think it was as spectacular as the cave on Kephalonia, Greece, which I have visited in the past.
Stalactites in the Ngilgi Cave
The Central Cavern of Ngilgi Cave
A Cluster of Stalactites - Ngilgi Cave
After the cave, I made my way into Yallingup and discovered the Yallingup Reef Bay, with the surf up and lots of people on surfboards. This is a really lovely bay so I stopped there for a walk about and to watch the surfers for a while. I also had my lunch there while watching the breakers pounding on the rocks.
Breakers at Yallingup Reef Bay
JB at Yallingup Reef Bay
Surfers at Yallingup Reef Bay
I eventually made my way back to Dunsborough where I did a bit more shopping before returning to the caravan park. I was feeling a bit under the weather after my broken night so grabbed a couple of hours shut-eye before touching base with Eileen at about 4.45.

Feeling much better after that so made myself some tea and then set to, to draft today’s Blog. Finally completed the update and spent the rest of the evening researching Margaret River, where I intend to go tomorrow, and reading before Zebedee came calling and "Time for bed."

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