Tuesday 16 November 2010

A Day 57 - Caught Up At Last

Monday 15th November    Aus Day 57

Lazy lie-in until 07.30. I didn’t really want to get out of bed at all, as the temperature was a bit chilly, not what I’ve grown used to further north. Shower and breakfast and then I went to extend my stay at Bunbury by a further night. This will give me the opportunity to look around and also to get fully caught up (hopefully) with the Blog. I intend to do the 5 km walk around Leschenault Inlet.

Did some housekeeping on the van and then at about 09.45 I set off on the 5 km walk around the Inlet. Good healthy exercise but once again I was troubled by flies which you just cannot get rid of.

View of Bunbury Across the Leschenault Inlet
The Mangroves in the Inlet
View Across the Leschenault Inlet
JB on the Walk Around The Leschenault Inlet - Bunbury
Some of the Bird Life Around The Leschenault Inlet
During the walk I saw one Ibis type bird in the mangroves but was not quick enough with the camera to get a photo.

About ¾ of the way I came across a Community Artwork with a Steam Theme which celebrates the way the railways contributed to the establishment of Bunbury town.

Coincidentally, I was close to Coles so popped in to get a few bits and pieces before continuing to finish the 5 km walk at about 11.45. I had a short rest before lunch and then got stuck into the Blog updating and journey planning.

Finally got caught up to date with the Blog, apart from today’s entry. Thankfully established Skype contact with Eileen at 5.00 pm and had a lovely chat before also making contact with daughter Samantha for a lengthy talk. It seems very strange sitting here in the warm sunshine discussing Christmas and New Year arrangements. It is even more strange to walk around the shops and see all the Christmas decorations and hear Christmas Carols being played.

After tea, I had a lazy evening reading and watching TV, including the final of Junior Master Chef before retiring at 10.00.

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