Sunday 14 November 2010

Aus Day 54 - Freo And a Bit of Retail Therapy

Friday 12th November    Aus Day 54

Rose at 07.20 from the lovely soft bed at Pat and Jean’s place. Today is Eileen’s last full day and she is hoping to get in some serious retail therapy in Freemantle. However, I have to get the van into the garage but managed to get Monday’s Blog published before doing so while Eileen and Jean took the dog for a walk and had a quick photo session.

Cousin Jean and the dog Under The Local Flora
Local Perth Flora
Jacaranda Trees in Bloom
Just after mid-day we all went into Freemantle (locally known as “Freo”) and had fish and chips for lunch at the quayside then wandered to the Market where Eileen managed to get most of the keepsakes she wanted for her family.

Entrance to Freemantle Market

Freemantle Market Interior

Eileen and Jean Browsing the Market Stalls

Jean & Eileen "Ignoring" the Lolly Shop

Boats For Sale
We returned to Thornlie by 16.45 where a message was waiting to say that the camper van was ready for collection so Pat and I zoomed off to collect it.

On return, a couple more of Pat & Jean’s friends were at the house and invited us to a party the following night. Unfortunately, Eileen will have set off for the UK.

At 6.30 we all went over to Carleen’s house for a lovely dinner with cousins Anita and Pam. A good time was had by all with numerous holiday and travel stories being recounted.

JB, Carleen, Pat, Cousins Pam, Jean and Anita
After a lovely evening we returned to Pat and Jean’s place just after 10.00 pm for a night cap and off to bed just after 11.00.

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