Monday 22 November 2010

Aus Day 64 - To The Woods, To The Woods

Monday 22nd November    Aus Day 64

It rained during the night and again this morning. I rose at 07.30, shower, breakfast and then published the Blog and dealt with a number of emails.

Wrapped up and vacated the caravan park by 09.00 heading south, through the rain, to Cape Leeuwin.

Looking South Trough The Rain From Cape Leeuwin
The Lighthouse at Cape Leeuwin - Don't Know What the Cow Does
Due to the conditions, I didn’t stop long but headed back into Augusta where I refuelled for the first time in about a week. Continued on the road to Bridgetown via Nannup. The weather is still quite cool with intermittent rain. However, I was starting to get into a forested area although this was interspersed with areas of rolling grassland.

Getting Into The Forest On The Road To Bridgetown
View of the Landscape On The Road To Bridgetown
I arrived in Bridgetown after covering some 155 kms at about noon but parked up in an information bay to the north of the town for a while I took a few photos and made myself a sandwich for lunch. Eventually made my way to the caravan park, on the banks of the Blackwood River (yes, the same one).

The Blackwood River at Bridgetown

The Road Bridge Into Bridgetown Over The Blackwood River
Having set up the van and got my laundry underway, I went for walk through the town which has a number of heritage buildings such as the Old Gaol and the Freemasons Hotel.

Bridgetown Welcome Sign
Devonshire Tea Anyone?
The Freemasons Hotel
The Bridgetown Hotel
The Old Gaol - 1880 - 1973
Returning to the van, I rescued my laundry and made contact with Eileen, for the highlight of my day. After this the rest of the day seemed to be somewhat irrelevant but, I made myself some tea and then drafted yet another hastener to Blackpool Honda. At this rate I will be back home before they respond. Drafted today’s Blog and then watched some TV before Zebedee finally caught with me at about 10.30pm.

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