Monday 22 November 2010

Aus Day 63 - A Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Sunday 21st November Aus Day 63

Being Sunday, I had a lie in until 08.00 this morning after being woken at about 02.00 by the sound of heavy rain falling on the van roof.

Showered and breakfast followed by a session checking my UK bank accounts via the Internet and publishing yesterday’s Blog. I completed this just before 10.00 and then decided to walk into town via the river bank.

I set off just after 10.00 and was soon being plagued by the flies. The walk by the river is via a footpath or boardwalk but only goes as far as Ellis Street. I tried to go further by the road but there was no discernable access. By this time I was about as far as the north end of town so I climbed the hill from the river bank to the main road to the town. The town doesn’t have much more to it than the main road which sports a Caltex filling station, a bank, an IGA supermarket and the Augusta Hotel and Bar. I called into the supermarket for a few bits and pieces and then made my way back to the caravan park along the main road.

View Towards The Mouth Of The Blackwood River
Augusta Looking South
Augusta Looking North
Who Knows What This Is?
I spent a lazy afternoon, during which we had a bit more rain, planning what activites I might be able to cover in the next few days starting with a quick trip down the road to Cape Leeuwin in the morning and then head north east to Bridgetown which is getting into the big tree country.

After this I relaxed by reading my book “The Scent of Shadows” by Vicki Pettersson then came the highlight of my day with a Skype session to Eileen.
A continuing lazy evening, reading and generally chilling out before eventually, Zebedee popped up and sent me off to bed at about 10.30 pm.

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