Saturday 27 November 2010

Aus Day 68 - Meeting a Giant and Relief From The Flies

Friday 26th November    Aus Day 68

Rose at 07.30 this morning, shower, breakfast and then published yesterday’s Blog and dealt with a few e-mails.

I have decided to walk the Bibbulmun Trail to the Giant Tingle Tree although I was told by the Walpole Visitor Information Centre that this was 5 km one way, I have since been told by the Caravan Park staff that it is 6 km one way. Regardless, I set off at 09.25 and was soon into the forest, which provided welcome relief from the flies, and heading uphill. I reached the “Hilltop Lookout” after about 50 minutes and read the information boards there which told me that Coalmine Beach (where I came from) was 5 km away and that the Giant Tingle Tree was a further 2.5 kms giving a total distance of 7.5 kms one way.

A Bibbulmum Track Marker
The Bibbulmun Track - See The Marker On the Tree - Top Left
Trekking Through The Forest
I continued on my way through the forest surrounded by the sight and sound of a multitude of birds but, as usual, they were always too fast for me to get a photograph. Eventually I reached my goal and was confronted by the world famous Giant Tingle Tree which has survived multiple fires.

The Base Of The Giant Tingle Tree
The Hollow Centre Of The Giant Tingle Tree
Obviously Still Living
JB at The Giant Tingle Tree
Having rested for about 20 minutes, I retraced my steps, taking further photographs at the Hilltop Lookout which overlooks the Nornalup Inlet and the coast line. I made the return trip in 10 minutes less than the outward journey since it was largely downhill.

I Have to Go The Long Way To Walpole
View From Hilltop Lookout
Looking Over The Nornalup Inlet and the Coast Line
Having got back to the van, I collapsed for an hour to recuperate and then decided to take the trail walk into Walpole which is another 3 km from the caravan park. However, during that walk and return I didn’t see anything that I considered to be worth photographing. However, once back at the van again I was visited by a pair of kookaburras which I did manage to photograph as they obligingly posed quite happily.

Seems A Bit Uncomfortable But Posing Happily
The Second Of The Pair
These are the first Kookaburras I have seen on this trip to Australia and I believe that they are not actually native to WA.

At 5.00 pm I had a lovely Skype session with Eileen, followed by a very productive chat with daughter, Samantha. I then made myself a spot of tea, watched a bit of TV before drafting today’s Blog and sorting the photographs.

A quiet evening before Zebedee finally caught up with me at about 11.00 pm. Good Night All.

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