Sunday 21 November 2010

Aus Day 62 - You Can't Stay Here!

Saturday 20th November    Aus Day 62

Rose at 06.45 showered and breakfast before making my way to the office to see about staying a further night. However, no luck, they are already fully booked for tonight so I am going to have to move on anyway.

Departed the site about 09.30 and parked up in Margaret River so that I could have a stroll up the Main Street and see what the town has to offer. Took a couple of photos and looked into a couple of shops. It is a nice town but had nothing special to detain me so returned to the van and set off at about 10.00. Headed back to the Caves Road and turned off towards Prevelly where there is yet another nice bay and beach.
Margaret River Main Street
Prevelly Beach
Left there and continued down Caves Road until I arrived at the Mammoth Cave, apparently the largest cave in the area and one that is well advertised. Paid my entrance fee and was kitted out with an MP3 Player and headphones for the self guided tour. Apart from being somewhat larger, this cave was much like the others although the MP3 facility was very handy as it provided explanations at relevant points around the cave.

Entrance to Mammoth Cave Attraction
Entrance to Mammoth Cave
Stalactites in Mammoth Cave
Stalactites in Mammoth Cave

Stalagmites in Mammoth Cave

More Formations in Mammoth Cave
Exiting the Cave and the Marri Trail I drove the short distance to Cave Works and the Lake Cave where I took the opportunity to have a spot of lunch and check my emails which confirmed that I would be able to get a site at the Turner Caravan Park when I arrived. Unfortunately, the Lake Cave Tours were only at specific times with the next one being too late to allow me to complete that and then get to Augusta at the appropriate time to check in with Eileen, so I had to give it a miss. Still you know what they say about caves. Also called sister Valerie who happened to be on line and checked that all is well in Willunga.

Continued down Caves Road until I turned off to Hamelin Bay which proved to be yet another bay with a family friendly beach and I spent a ½ hour sitting on the sand watching the waves. (Very therapeutic)

Hamelin Bay South Western Australia
Leaving the beach, I made the final 15 kms to Augusta and called into the Visitor Information Centre to confirm the location of the caravan park and to see if there are any tree top walks in the area. It turns out that the nearest one is between Walpole and Denmark so; I will have to wait a few days for that.

Checked into the caravan park at 3.30 pm and once parked up went for a stroll along the banks of the Blackwood River where I got photos of some of the many pelicans on the water.

Pelican on the Blackwood River
A Group of Pelicans on the Blackwood River
A Cormorant on the Blackwood River
A Snooty Looking Heron on the Blackwood River
Returned to the van in time to hook up on Skype with Eileen who was babysitting her grandson George.

Made myself a spot of tea and then started drafting today’s Blog. The wind has started to get up a little and the forecast for tomorrow is the possibility of rain. However, after some reading and a little TV, Zebedee found me once again and so it is "Time for bed."

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