Monday 29 November 2010

Aus Day 70 - Another Lazy Sunday

Sunday 28th November    Aus Day 70

Rose at 07.30 then had a leisurely shower and breakfast. I spent the morning going through my UK accounts and bringing everything up to date in anticipation of my return home in just a couple of weeks time.

By the time I was finished with this, it was time for a spot of lunch, after which I decided to go for a short walk. So, having put some laundry in to wash, I set off. It wasn’t long before I had gathered a veritable phalanx of flies, which stayed with me until I got back to the van about 2 hours later. However, on my way out of the caravan park I spotted a kangaroo and joey grazing amongst toe caravans.

Mum and Joey In The Caravan Park
Joey Posing For His Close-Up
I eventually found my way to the beach which seems to be an absolute surfer’s paradise so, I was somewhat surprised that there didn’t appear to be any there. Maybe they have a day off on Sunday’s.

The Sign Says It All
Ocean Beach From The Lookout
And Not A Surfer In Sight
Amongst the wildlife I spotted were a Pelican, a Heron and a number of Wedge-Tailed Eagles. However, have you ever tried to photograph a Wedge-Tailed Eagle with a digital camera? They just won’t stay in one place long enough, most frustrating.

Just A Lone Pelican
Heron In Flight
Wedge-Tailed Eagle - He Must Be Shy
When I got back to the van I remembered to hang out my washing to dry before getting set up for my Skype contact with Eileen at 5.00 pm.

Made myself some tea of beef pie, boiled potatoes and beans before getting settled down to draft today’s Blog.
After getting the Blog ready to go, I relaxed for a while by watching some TV before Zebedee caught up with me "and so to bed" he said, at just after 10.00pm. Good night all.

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