Wednesday 1 December 2010

Aus Day 72 - It's Cold In The UK

Tuesday 30th November    Aus Day 72

Rose at 06.15 after a rather disturbed night. Shower and breakfast then checked my emails. The Internet seems to be back up to speed this morning so maybe last night was a one-off, I certainly hope so.

It is a bright sunny day today and it is starting to get warm already at 08.00. However, I have just seen the UK weather report on TV, very cold and snowy, so I am rather glad that I am here at the moment although I would much rather have company!!!

Left the caravan park at 08.40 and made my way to the nearest Post Office and conducted my business by 09.05 then headed out of town, calling for fuel on the way. I finally hit the South Coast Hwy at 09.20 with 471 kms to cover to Esperance. Nothing much to report along the way as I was passing through a large arable farming area. I made it to Jerramungup by 11.10 then Ravensthorpe, where I refuelled, by 12.20. Later, I stopped for a bit of a breather and a banana about 60 kms short of Esperance but was booked into the Sea Front Caravan Park, and set up by 3.40 pm. It is a nice park, across the road from the beach, with plenty of shady trees.

The Entrance to the Sea Front Caravan Park - Esperance
Esperance Bay Beach
Looking Across Esperance Bay
Esperance Bay Looking Towards The Tanker Jetty
I went for a short walk along the beach but soon got bored with this and returned to the van for a rest before making tea and drafting the Blog. No Skype contact today s, looking for a lazy evening and will probably read and/or watch TV.

Having got the Blog ready to go I entertained myself for some time playing Majong on the laptop and then read my book until Zebedee came calling at about 11.00 pm. So Good night all.

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