Saturday 4 December 2010

Aus Day 76 - Time For A Change?

Saturday 4th December    Aus Day 76

Rose at 06.30 to a cloudy, windy day. Shower, breakfast, published yesterday’s Blog and then prepped the van for departure.

Left the caravan park at 08.10 local time and headed east towards the SA Border which I crossed some 12 kms later. It seems that the fruit-fly quarantine checks will not be carried out until just before Ceduna some 493 kms further east. However, having crossed the border, I am now in the South Australia time zone which means that I am now 10½ hours ahead of UK time and have gained another 1¾ hours on Western Central time so that I am 2½ hours ahead of WA Time. Confusing isn’t it?

Pushing on, I am now travelling very close to the south coast and I stopped off for a quick photo shoot from the Nullarbor Cliffs although the weather is very overcast and the visibility is not good.

View From The Nullarbor Cliffs Looking Back Towards Eucla
View From The Nullarbor Cliffs Looking Out Over The Great Australian Bight
Stopped to refuel at the Nullarbor Roadhouse, simply because it had to be done, then plodded on at a steady 90 kph, stopping every now and then to stretch my legs before arriving at the Ceduna Foreshore caravan park at about 4.30 pm local time. Having checked in and parked the van, I wandered up to the local supermarket to obtain a fresh supply of bananas, since I had to finish the last lot before getting to the fruit-fly quarantine check point.

Travelling The Nullarbor Road
Nullarbor Roadhouse Welcome Sign
The Nullarbor Roadhouse
As I got back, there seemed to be a storm gathering so grabbed my camera and headed for the beach for a few photos. The storm was still quite away out to sea but rolling in fast. I hadn’t long been back at the van when it hit. Not too much rain to start with but severe lightning and thunder with one lightning strike seeming to be just outside the caravan park.

Storm Gathering Over Ceduna Beach
Closer View of the Gathering Storm
Lightning Strike
 At about 6.00 pm I decided to get myself some tea so that I would be ready for the scheduled Skype contact with Eileen at 7.00 pm. As usual, this made my day but had to limit the duration to 45 minutes as I desperately need to get on with completing today’s Blog in readiness for getting it on-line first thing in the morning. The Thunder and rain are still at it intermitently through the rest of the evening and television reception is not good so once finished with the Blog I got myself ready for bed without waitin for Zebedee although I did read for a bit to the sound of the rain on the van roof. Good Night All.

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