Friday 3 December 2010

Aus Dy 74 - Nullarbor Here I come

Thursday 2nd December    Aus Day 74

Rose at 07.30 this morning after reading for an hour. Shower, breakfast then accessed Internet to check emails and publish yesterday’s Blog.

Having wrapped up the van, making sure that I fully topped up with fresh water (I don’t know when I’ll be able to get any more) I left the caravan park at 09.30 and headed north on the Norseman road , stopping to refuel at the edge of town.

I was soon passing through the wheat growing belt again and about 70 kms north of Esperance came across a small place called “Grass Patch” which had an enormous wheat collecting and shipping facility complete with rail head and road trains servicing it. For a very small town, the name board is very impressive.

Grass Patch Town Name board
A Triple Headed Wheat Train Leaving Grass Patch
The road is once again becoming an endless series of up and downs, pretty much in a straight line to the horizon.

I arrived in Norseman at 12.20 and having refuelled and visited the supermarket, took a right turn on the Nullarbor road with my next stop being Balladonia where I will be spending the night.

The Nullarbor Road from Norseman
The Same Road A Bit Further On
Arrived at the roadhouse at 3.00 pm, refuelled ad then booked into the caravan park. Pretty basic facilities but it will do for the one night. Having found myself a convenient site, my first thought was to check out Internet availability but, as I had feared, there is absolutely no signal so, I will be unable to hold my treasured Skype contact this evening. Ho Hum! It looks like an early night for me then.

I spent a bit of time reading and drafting the Blog before getting changed into my jeans (well someone has to keep up the standards) and going off to the roadhouse bar, outside of which I met their tame kangaroo.

I treated myself to a beer and fish and chips (pink snapper) for my tea before wandering back to the van. More time spent drafting the Blog and sorting the few photos taken today, then indulged in a few games of Majong before finally beating Zebedee to the count and going to bed early at 9.30 pm, although I did then read for an hour while listening to the rain.

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