Monday 29 November 2010

Aus Day 71 - Albany, A Nice Place But Not A Good Day

Monday 29th November    Aus Day 71

Rose at 06.45, showered, breakfast and then accessed the Internet and finally made my hotel reservation in Bangkok for my homeward bound journey.

I am heading for Albany today but taking the scenic route via Mount Barker. So, I set off at about 09.40 heading into Denmark to do a bit of shopping, then hit the road to Mt Barker at 10.30 am. Since it is only 50 kms up the road I arrived there at about 11.15 so pulled into a rest area for a while. There didn’t seem to be much to hang around for so after about 30 minutes, I continued onto the Albany Highway and headed south, getting to Albany and the caravan park just after 1.00 pm.

Denmark Main Street
Having checked into the caravan park and identified my site I drove into Albany and went to Emu Point where there is a lovely bay and beach so, spent a bit of time wandering along the beach.
Emu Point Beach
Emu Point Seagull
Emu Point
Emu Point Bay
Dunes Flora At Emu Point
I then headed back into the shopping area and managed to get parked up in the Woolworth's car park before having a stroll along the length of the main Albany shopping street. I was looking for inspiration for Christmas but without a great deal of success.

My day deteriorated rapidly once I got back to the van as I suffered a bit of an altercation with another vehicle in trying to get out of the car park. Fortunately there was little damage done. However, I was to suffer further frustration once I got back to the caravan park and tried to establish Skype contact with Eileen. The connection was so bad that we had to abort the session which left me feeling very frustrated indeed. My visit to Albany is one that will be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

Eventually got myself some tea and then started drafting this edition of the Blog. Coming to put it on the Internet, I found that the connection was so slow that it took me 3 times longer than usual to upload the photos. Consequently I didn't get finished until almost 10.00 pm when of course, Zebedee appeared and said, "Time for bed". Well I couldn't really argue as I must be up in good time in the morning ready to make the 470 km dash to Esperance. So, Good night all.

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