Thursday 2 December 2010

Aus Day 73 - A Pause In Esperance

Wednesday 1st December    Aus Day 73

Rose at 07.20 to another bright, sunny day although, I see from the weather reports that Eastern Australia is suffering flooding.

I published yesterday’s Blog and checked my emails. I have decided to stay local today and just walk into the shopping centre a bit later in the day. This gives me the opportunity to carry out some housekeeping on the laptop so I’m doing a full disk check which, of course, takes quite some time.

Eventually set off into town at about 11.40 pausing along the way to take a few photos of the area. The business area is quite spread out apart from the Boulevard Shopping Centre which, of course, is decked out for Christmas and feels quite incongruous considering the weather and the fact that today is officially the first day of summer.
Esperance Town Sign
The Esperance Period Village Site
Within The Period Village
The Esperance Museum
The Museum With Skylab In The Background
Unfortunately, wandering around the shops still failed to provide me with any inspiration and I left empty-handed apart from a few provisions. I returned to the van and retrieved the laundry I had left drying and got set up for a good Skype session with Eileen at 5.00 pm. I am still hoping to get a connection tomorrow but I am prepared for a lack of Internet access once I get to Balladonia, my first stop on the Nullarbor crossing.

After tea, I drafted today’s Blog and watched TV before reading until about 9.30 pm when I got a summons from daughter Samantha who was having trouble with Skype. Eventually got connected and sorted out a few things just before Zebedee arrived with his "and so to bed" at about 10.45. Good night all.

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