Saturday 11 December 2010

Onward to Bangkok

Friday 10th December    To Bangkok

Rose at 07.30 on this, the final day in Australia. Shower, and then to breakfast where Valerie cooked me the ‘Full English’ as a final treat. It’s a good job I don’t do this often.

After breakfast I completed my packing and cleared out all the unwanted stuff, which was not actually as much as I had anticipated although I am going to have to carry my coat.

Departed Willunga at about 10.30 as Valerie had to do a couple of errands on the way to the airport. Arrived at the airport at approximately 11.30 and checked in fairly quickly and was booked right through to Bangkok. Bid Valerie farewell at 13.15 and boarded the flight to Sydney.

Adelaide Airport Main Concourse
JB At Adelaide Airport - The Positioning Of The Sign Above My Head Was Purely Accidental
Arrived at Sydney on time at 15.45 local time and was transported by bus to the International Terminal where I had about an hour to wait before boarding the Bangkok flight.

At The Departure Gate - Sydney Airport
Although only an 8 hour 40 minute flight I was really glad when we landed at about 10.30 pm local time. Having negotiated immigration and customs I exited into the main concourse and was greeted by a young lady with a hotel placard who took over my luggage trolley and shepherded me to a hotel limousine which then transported me in luxury to the hotel where I arrived at 11.30 local time which is 7.00 hours ahead of UK time. Feeling pretty shattered but want to get the Blog drafted before I turn in and I am waiting for the hotel to provide me with a LAN cable so that I can get Internet Access.

Bangkok Airport - Arrivals Concourse
My Room At The Amari Atrium Hotel - Bangkok

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