Thursday 9 December 2010

Aus Day 81 - The Last Full day

Thursday 9th December    Aus Day 81

Rose at 07.30 after another night being disturbed by dog barking. Shower and breakfast but was then at a bit of a loss wondering what to do with myself as I didn’t have much to do until lunch time when Valerie is cooking a lunch for 6 of us.

Valerie found me something to do, moving furniture and peeling a huge pile of potatoes. I also did my last lot of laundry and started my final packing. The main item, of course, is the wine I bought yesterday which I individually wrapped in bubble-wrap and then cushioned between towels and soft clothing. I can only now hope that all will be well and that they survive intact. I will have to ditch some of my summer weight clothing to accommodate the wine but I don’t have a problem with that. Most of it is well old, anyway.

For those of you who are not acquainted with it, I have included a photo of Willunga House, where sister Valerie lives and also included a photo of the dining table all set for our lunch.

Willunga House - About 40 Kms South Of Adelaide
Table For Six Please!
The lunch turned out to be very pleasant with excellent food, and lovely company, mildly lubricated by very drinkable wine from the local McLaren Vale wineries. The lunch stretched out until about 5.00 pm and was a very pleasant way to spend the afternoon.

7.00 pm saw me contacting Eileen on Skype and we had a good chat but won’t be able to talk again until Saturday as I will be travelling between Adelaide and Bangkok. The trip back to the UK is one I am now ready for but not looking forward to. I am beginning to go right off airline travel. Still, it has to be done so let’s get going.

My next Blog will also have to wait until Saturday when I should be able to bring you some news and views of Bangkok. So until then Good Night All.

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