Tuesday 7 December 2010

Aus Day 79 -Adelaide Shopping

Tuesday 7th December    Aus Day 79

Rose at 08.20 this morning, the latest I’ve been during the whole of this trip. Lovely bed but spent half the night chasing a mossie. Showered in my en-suite bathroom then joined Valerie for breakfast.

Spent an hour re-constructing the interior of the van and getting all the bedding etc sorted out. Now it just needs a quick sweep out and refuelling before I hand it in to the depot.

At 11.00 am we left the house to go shopping in Adelaide although we had to stop off in Aldinga as Valerie had an appointment to keep.

We arrived at Adelaide Market at about 12.30 an had a spot of lunch at Lucia’s. Then continued to Rundle Mall on the free tram service just as it was starting to rain. Spent the next 4 hours wandering around the shops up and down the Mall, with some success, before making our way back to the market to pick up the car and join the rush hour traffic back onto the expressway heading for Willunga.

Adelaide Indoor Market
Santa In Rundle Mall
Valerie Posing In Davy Jones Apartment Store
Select Your Christmas Decorations
Valerie cooked us a very nice mushroom omelette which was washed down with another bottle of Shiraz then at about 8.30 pm we took ourselves off to the pub at the top of the main street having a good chat and returning home and off to bed at about 10.45.

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