Monday 6 December 2010

Aus Day 78 - Almost There.

Monday 7th December    Aus Day 78

Rose at 07.30 after being woken at 05.00 by about ¾ hour of very gusty wind which abated as quickly as it arrived. Shower and breakfast for the last time in this van. Tonight I will be sleeping in a “proper” bed, courtesy of sister Valerie, assuming I can get t the other side of Adelaide without mishap.

Readied the van for travelling and on my way out of the caravan park, performed the port-a-loo dump routine for the last time. I shan’t miss that particular activity. Set off at about 09.30 with approximately 403 kilometres to go to get to Willunga.
The Road To Adelaide Just South Of Pt Augusta

The Road To Adelaide Just Before Port Wakefield
Traffic Chaos As I Try To Get Into Adelaide
An uneventful journey although traffic density is gradually increasing as I go south. Refuelled at Port Wakefield which will see me through until the final refuel before handing the van back. I had decided to follow the A13 through Adelaide as this leads directly to the M2 Expressway, the quick route to Willunga. Unfortunately, having turned off the A1, I was almost immediately confronted by roadwork chaos. There seemed to be major reconstruction going on with very little in the way of effective traffic management other than ‘let them sort it out for themselves.’ However, I managed to stay calm and ‘go with the flow,’ as slow as it was. Anyway, I eventually got to the expressway just as the southbound flow started and from there it was plain sailing until I arrived at Willunga House at about 2.45.

McLaren Vale Approaching Willunga
The Van Parked Up Safely At Willunga House
I parked the van up and got most of my stuff off-loaded and lodged in my on-suite bedroom which has a lovely double bed covered with crisp white sheets. I shall get the van sorted out tomorrow in readiness for getting it returned to the depot in Adelaide on Wednesday.

Valerie cooked us a very nice Spag Bol for tea which went down very nicely with a bottle of Shiraz, after which I had a wonderful Skype session with Eileen. It won’t be long now before we are back together.

Valerie and I had a good childhood reminiscences session an a general chat about more current things before I set to to get this Blog completed before Zebedee can find out where I am. However, I am now off to my "Proper" bed so Good Night All.

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