Saturday 18 September 2010

Day 18 - Slow Down Son

Day 18    Friday 17th September

Well, a bit late up this morning, couldn’t force myself out of the covers until 07.30. After completing the daily chores, I logged on to check my email and found myself in an unexpected Skype session with daughter Samantha. By the time I had finished, I just had time to do the final checks on the van before clearing the site by 09.55.

Once again I am heading North up the East coast and it seems much easier to cover distance on this side of the country. Probably because I am not travelling around so many twists and turns, nor climbing so many hills. However, this side of the country still has lots to offer as can be seen from this view at Blue Skin Bay, even though the weather was not very good.
It wasn't quite this dark but it was pretty dismal
I was only about 40 minutes North of Dunedin when I realised that the direct route was going to get me to my destination far too early so, I stopped at Palmerston to re-plan. I took the following photos near Palmerston of a range of hills of unknown name. (Unknown to me anyway)
Hills near Palmerston - Can you make out the lambs?
Same hills - more lambs
Same Hills - Probably the same lambs
Different Hill near Palmerston
I was originally going to stop at Timaru but decided to continue through there and join the Inland Scenic Route and night stop at a place called Geraldine.

A little further up the road I came to Shag Point and was sufficiently impressed with the view that I took the following couple of shots.
View of Shag Point across the bay
Slightly larger view of Shag Point
The driving was quite uneventful and I even had time to actually take in some of the scenery as I travelled along. It was strange to see lambs in the fields at this time of year; if you look carefully you might be able to make some out in the Photos taken near Palmerston. Equally as strange was the sight of daffodils in full bloom. By now though it was time for a spot of lunch so, stopped off at Waitaki Bridge where I took the following shots looking South West towards the Kakanui Mountains.
The Kakanui Hills from the Waitaki River

Same Hills different perspective

JB at Waitaki - that flash doesn't do a thing for me!
The chef did a sterling job with lunch, a cheese sandwich and a banana washed down with a glass of diet coke. I know how to live the high life. After consuming this resplendent feast I continued with the immediate objective of getting fuel and provisions when I reached Timaru but, on the way took a couple of shots of the Hunter Hills. Also captured some more lambs in these pics.
The Hunter Hills from just north of the Waitaki River

Hunter Hills (and lambs) near Waitaki River
Successfully completed my mission with regard to fuel and provisions but, I have to say that I felt a bit inadequate when getting my few bits and pieces in the Pak N’ Save supermarket. Everyone else looked as though they were shopping to feed an army just going off to war.

However, leaving Timaru I very soon got to Winchester where I turned off onto the Inland Scenic Route, SH 72 which would take me to Geraldine. Just north of the town I took the following shots of what I think are Mounts Taylor and Hutt.
Distant View of Mounts Taylor and Hutt
Mount Taylor
Despite trying to take my time I still managed to arrive at the Geraldine Holiday Park by 3.15 pm so once I had the van established, I set off for a walk around town. It is not a big place, as you can imagine but quaint and well maintained. Almost every town seems to have its own little museum, as seen here; and I couldn’t resist the shot of spring flowers near the river.
Geraldine Town Museum
Spring Flowers by the river in Geraldine
The walkabout didn’t take long and I was back at the Holiday Park in time to get a shot of the enormous tree under which I was parked, (must be 150 ft at least) and one of the amusing art works which were dotted around the site.
My Little Camper Van under the Enormous Tree
Billy No Mates? Holiday Park Art Work
It was then time to check on emails and once again I was able to piggy-back on the public library Internet for a while.

Anyway, I think I have given you enough photos for one day, and these are not all I have taken. The rest being stored on my trusty laptop which, naturally, being Friday, I have backed up to my external hard drive.

By the time I had tea, my usual much valued Skype session and updated the Blog I was a very tired bunny and so to bed said Zebedee.

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