Thursday 16 September 2010

Day 16 - Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Day 16   Wednesday 15th September

It was an extremely cold night last night. I got up this morning to a frost on the ground and ice on the outside of the van. However, the usual routine has to be followed and I am ready to set off at about 09.10 on what looks to be a beautiful day. Let’s hope it stays this way. However, before I set off, I thought that I should show what a beautiful day it is with a couple of shots from the Camper Park just outside my van.
Takitimu Mountains from Te Anau Great Lakes Holiday Park
Takitimu Mountains from Te Anau Great Lakes Holiday Park
I hadn’t been on the road long; heading back along Highway 94, the way I came yesterday in quite dismal conditions, when I took a couple of pictures of the scene I should have seen yesterday. I think you can spot the amazing difference.
Takitimu Range from SH 94
Takitimu Range from SH 94
Just a little further along I turned into yet another site that I had visited yesterday, the ‘Wilderness Scenic Lookout’, and once again the view today is absolutely breathtaking. Apart from these pictures I also spent some time videoing.
JB at the Wilderness Scenic Lookout - Takitimu Range
JB from the other profile
Compare this with yesterday's photo from Wilderness Lookout
I continued to drift through the countryside at a steady 80 kph (bl**** Sunday drivers!!!) serenaded alternatively by UB40 and Simon and Garfunkel. Well I have an eclectic taste in music apart from the fact that these are the only two CDs I have with me. I decide to get off the State Highway for a while so turned right at Mossburn, heading down country towards Wreys Bush where I would then pick up the SH 96. I was now passing through flat lands where cattle and sheep farming are obviously prevalent, alongside many vineyards. The following pics of the flatlands were taken as I pulled off the SH96 near Winton.
Flat lands near Winton - Takitimu Range in the Background
Near Winton again with Takitimu Range in the distance
I stopped in Winton a short time later and had a stroll around the quite old fashioned town, as can be seen from these shots of a residential property, the Hotel and the Croquet and Bowls Club.
Residential property in Winton - Very Colonial
The Winton Hotel - Established 1889
Winton Croquet and Bowls Club
I also parked outside the town library for a while to have a spot of lunch but, took the opportunity to piggy-back onto their WiFi and logged into the Internet to check my emails. Before anyone protests, this is quite legitimate use of a public service.
 I departed Winton at 13.00 and continued my wandering towards Invercargill but I could see that I was going to be there much earlier than I had anticipated so took another detour to Riverton, a small seaside town about 30 kms to the west of Invercargill. It is a lovely little place with a wide expense of beach as can be seen below:
Riverton Beach
Riverton Beach - But it Was Cold

Although a beautiful day with hardly a cloud in the sky, I still had to wrap up warm in order to go for a stroll along the beach. The wind was extremely chilly.

Following this I continued slowly back towards Invercargill to book into the Lornville Holiday Park, soon after 3.00 pm and took advantage of the rest of a beautiful day with a quiet beer in the garden.

Thankfully, the site was an Internet Hotspot so, was able to log on, check and respond to emails, hold a couple of much valued Skype sessions and then update the Blog for yesterday (14th Sept).

Unfortunately, I came to a bit of grief as I returned to the van to turn in, I somehow managed to misjudge the step up into the van, cracked my head on the lintel, ricked my neck and ended up flat on my back in the gravel. A bit painful, I can tell you but, I don’t think there is any lasting damage. And so to bed said Zebedee.

1 comment:

  1. Hi John,

    Great news from down sounds like you are having a great adventure. It seems your beard is enjoying itself too!!

    Keep intouch.....and keep safe
    John Crumbelhulme


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