Wednesday 15 September 2010

Day 15 - Its Cold as well!!!

Day 15 Tuesday 14th September

Departed from Queenstown after the usual formalities by 09.25, heading for Te Anau which is on the edge of Fiordland and nestling at the foot of the Takitimu mountain range.

I took some more shots of Lake Wakatipu as I travelled South. Looking across the lake I could see the Eyre mountain range as I travelled down and couldn’t resist a few more shots.
Eyre Range looking across Lake Wakatipu
Looking Down Lake Wakatipu towards Kingston

JB at Lake Wakatipu - It was still cold
Reaching the southern tip of the lake I turned into the little village of Kingston when I caught sight of a sign which advertised, ‘The Kingston Flyer’, steam train. Being a bit of a steam engine fan I just couldn’t resist finding out what this was all about. I was astonished to find what seems to be a heritage steam railway and managed to get a number of photos for the scrap book. A couple of which I share with you here. Unfortunately, the site wasn’t operating. Maybe it was too early in the season.
Kingston Flyer Station
One of the Kingston Flyer Engines
The weather was still pretty atrocious but, there were one or two breaks in the cloud and I managed to catch glimpses of what must be amazing scenery. The following couple of shots were taken during such a break, although it was still raining.
It would be very nice in good weather - Takitimu Range
Takitimu Range - Can someone just lift the clouds off!!
Although I had been taking my time, I was still in Te Anau by 2.30 and as the rain had eased off to a slow downpour, I decided to take a quick trip along to Lake Manapouri about 30 kms south. On the way back I diverted from the State Highway, trying to get a little closer to some of the magnificent hills. The following two views were the result. It must be absolutely stunning on a nice day
The Takitimu Range from the Manapouri Road
Takitimu Range from Manapouri Road - Almost a break in the Clouds
On return to Te Anau, I booked into the ‘Great Lakes Holiday Park’ and got myself properly set up. However, the night was turning even colder than usual so spent the evening in the TV Lounge along with other travellers, sat in front of a roaring log fire. I was having great difficulty with the Internet connection but, managed to get the Blog updated for Monday. It was quite a shock having to leave that lovely warm environment and retire to my bitterly cold van, I can tell you. And so to bed said Zebedee.

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