Tuesday 14 September 2010

Day 14

Day 14      Monday 13th September

Departed Wanaka camper site at 09.30 taking more pictures of Lake Wanaka as I left. Refuelled at the local Caltex garage and hit the road for Queenstown. The early part of the journey was quite uneventful, following the course f the River Mata and then travelling down the length of Lake Dunstan. However, once past Cromwell the road travelled up the Karawau Gorge and I stopped for photos of Roaring Meg, a tributary which has enough force to power a hydro-electric plant.
Lake Wanaka - early morning

Roaring Meg emptying into the Karawau River

JB at the Karawau River
Further along the Gorge I came to the site of, reputedly, the first commercial bungy jumping site in the world. Don’t know how true that is. Anyway, stopped to have a look and conscious that my travel insurance covered me for one bungy jump. (Yes really!!!)

I managed to get video of a couple who jumped together, must be true love, although she screamed on the way down. However, just standing on the viewing platform looking down into the gorge was giving me half-crown/sixpence feelings. So, at $175 I decided to leave it for another day. (I know – chicken!!!) I decided to treat you to a picture of the area anyway.
The Famous Bridge That People Jump From
Moving quickly on, I arrived in Queenstown by 12.30, found a parking spot for the van and went for a wander about, just to get my bearings. During these wanderings I came across the Kiwi Camper Site so , took the opportunity to book in for the night. I continued my perambulations and ended up at the water front so decided to have a spot of lunch at the cafe of the same name. A very tasty bacon bap which must have contained about half a pound of bacon. So, that filled a little corner.

View from Queenstown Water Front

The Waterfront Cafe & Bar
Having time to spare, I decided to head up the lake to Glenorchy. This is rather like heading up a 45 km cul-de-sac but, the views of the lake and snow capped mountains were well worth the run.

JB at Lake Wakatipu - en route to Glenorchy

View across Lake Wakatipu from Glenorchy

Snow Capped Mountains at Glenorchy

Returning from Glenorchy

View across Lake Wakatipu on returning from Glenorchy
Returned to QT by just after 16.00 so got the van parked up for the night after taking a few more scenic photos of the area. Another busy evening catching up with the other side of the world and then to bed, said Zebedee, by 11.00 pm. A cold night. I could do with someone to keep me warm.
View to the snow capped mountains from the Queenstown camp site

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