Monday 20 September 2010

Day 19 - Travel to Christchurch

Day 19   Saturday 18th September

Well this is the start of my last full day in NZ and once again I had a leisurely start, not getting away from the Holiday Park after the usual chores until 09.50. However, there was no rush as this final leg is just into Christchurch. I had only been on the road when I had to stop for these views of Fox Peak;
Fox Peak - I think
A Closer View of Fox Peak
Followed 10 minutes later with the following views of Mount Dobson, Fox Peak and Mount Hutt.
Across the fields to Mount Dobson
Fox Peak
Cloud covered Mount Hutt
I think that I said earlier that it might be possible to get a bit blasé about this environment but in no time at all I was stopping yet again for another view of Mount Taylor and Mount Hutt. This is a major winter sports venue and looking at some of these views it is easy to understand why.
Mount Taylor
Mount Hutt
As I motored along, surrounded by the beautiful snow capped peaks, it is a wonder I didn’t veer off the road at some point, I was so busy trying to drink it all in, it is certainly a good job that traffic density is very light. After another hour I came to a major melt water channel at Rakaia Gorge and took the opportunity to scramble down to the water’s edge, where I took the following picture. Believe me when I tell you that, that water is deep, fast and very, very cold. You wouldn’t last long if you fell in.
Rakaia Gorge - Deep, Fast and VERY Cold
Needless to say, I didn’t fall in and was shortly on my way again. Apart from trying to keep one eye on the road and the other on the unfolding scenery, I need a third eye to watch for views unfolding in the re-view mirrors which is how I detected this view look back up the road to Mount Hutt.
Looking Back to Mount Hutt
Even though I was travelling quite slowly (more Sunday Driver syndrome) I was still progressing more quickly than I need to so, pulled into a picnic spot at West Melton for some lunch when once again the travelling chef did a sterling job.

I was now in the outskirts of Christchurch and so far I had seen no sign of any earthquake damage. I believe most of the visible damage is confined to the City Business District although thousands of homes have suffered damage and the area is still being subjected to after-shocks. I arrived at the Christchurch, Amber Park Holiday Park a little after 2.00 pm to find it was a delightful little site, all trellis work and well tended flower beds.
The newly washed van in the very pleasant Amber Holiday Park
Taking advantage of the beautiful warm sunshine, I set to and washed the van down in preparation for hand over in the morning and then set to with packing suitcases etc which was all done in good time . Once I was happy that everything was set for tomorrow’s handover and airport trip I cooked myself a spot of tea, (I had given the chef the evening off) then at about 8.45 wandered down the road to the local pub for a couple of pints of Tui as a last night treat. I got into the place at about 9.00 pm and found that, although the natives were friendly, about half of them were staggering drunk. I surmised that this was probably not the high end of Christchurch society. Still, a couple of pints hit the spot and then it was back to the holiday park and so to bed said Zebedee.

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