Monday 20 September 2010

Day 20 - Farewell to Beautiful New Zealand

Day 20   Sunday 19th September

Final day and rose at 06.45 to a bright, sunny morning although there had, once again been a frost overnight. The usual ablutions and breakfast then disposed of any un-used stuff that I couldn’t take with me such a bread, milk, coffee and cooking oil. There wasn’t much but it would benefit someone else. I finished cleaning the van (internally) and eventually set of for the Apollo Depot remembering to refuel on the way.

Handover of the van was concluded very quickly with the minimum of fuss and I was transported directly to the International Departures entrance of the Airport where I was checked in for my flight by 10.45. Nothing to do now but wait. However, took advantage of the airport half hour free Internet access to deal with emails and then took a final couple of photos from the departure lounge looking towards Mount Hutt with the fresh accumulations of snow.
Towards Mount Hutt from Christchurch Airport
Towards Mount Hutt from Christchurch Airport - More snow overnight
Boarded the aircraft (a Boeing 737-800) on time and that was then farewell to New Zealand. We landed in Sydney on schedule, passed through Immigration and Customs, re-checked my big suitcase into Quantas Domestic and then boarded the aircraft to Adelaide (another Boeing 737-800) on time for the 2 hour hop across, NSW, Victoria and into South Australia, where e landed a little early to be met by sister Valerie and her husband Nick. They quickly transported me to their house in Willunga where I was made very welcome with a meal and a beer. Brilliant.

So, my whistle-stop tour of new Zealand has come to an end. Considering that it was a last minute add-on to the 3 month Australian trip that I had been planning for 12 months, I have seen some magnificent scenery and it has whetted my appetite to come back for more at some time in the future. I would recommend a visit to NZ to anyone although, if forced to make a choice, would prefer South Island and I can certainly recommend travelling the West Coast Route which is truly spectacular.

However, I am now in Australia and Zebedee says, time for bed.

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