Sunday 31 October 2010

Aus Day 42 - Moving On To A New Hedland

Sunday 31st October   Aus Day 42

Up at 6.00 after our final night at the Roebuck Bay Caravan Park in Broome. Shower, breakfast (back to the cereal), sorted out the van and we were ready to move. The weather is cooler and very breezy this morning, quite cloudy but sunny as well. We departed the site at 07.30 and headed for the garage to refuel before heading out of Broome in the direction of Port Hedland.

The campervan is performing to a much better standard now with actually discernible acceleration and we were soon bowling along at the State speed limit of 110 kph.

Next refuel stop was at the Sandfire Roadhouse at approximately 10.50 after covering a distance of 300 kms and then continued for a further 130 kms before stopping for a sausage roll lunch at the Pardoo Roadhouse.

Arrived in Port Hedland at approximately 2.00 pm and made straight for the supermarket to stock up on provisions. Checked into the Big 4 Caravan Park at Cooke Point, before 3.00 pm, got the van plugged in and set up before wandering the hundred yards, or so, to the beach where, as usual, Eileen just had to try the water and I of course just played the fool.
Port Hedland Water is Much Colder Than Broome
JB Playacting Again
Before tea we had time to wait for what promised to be a fine sunset and so a couple more photos were taken as you can see below;

JB Waiting For The Sunset

Eileen and JB at Port Hedland - Cooke Point
Finally, we got to witness the following sunset across the distant industrial landscape before retiring to the van a salad tea and an evening entertaining ourselves with television and this Blog update.

Port Hedland Sunset
We hope that we now do not have any further long distances to cover in a single day and we are looking for a more leisurely start tomorrow and aim to get to the area around Karratha.

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