Saturday 30 October 2010

Aus Day 41 - Cable Beach Re-opened

Saturday 30th October    Aus Day 41

Rose at 07.10, showered and then Eileen treated us both to a big breakfast at the beach cafe. Very naughty but delicious. This on top of the lovely meal we had at Matso’s last night, a couple of photos, of which I enclose, below.
JB at Matso's Brewery and Restaurant
Eileen at Matso's

Meals Just Served - Delicious
A bit of a breeze sprang up after breakfast and caused us a bit of a problem trying to stow the awning. Eventually managed to get it stowed to a reasonable degree but had to take the van to a much more sheltered location to get it done properly.

Made our way to Cable Beach and found that it had been re-opened for swimming so naturally had to take advantage for a short time. Lovely warm water and quite big breakers but the wind was driving the sand across the beach and acting a bit like a sand blaster so we didn’t stop too long. We returned to RB for a while and had a fruit lunch of melon, orange and banana before going back into town for another browse round the Pearl shops. Unfortunately, without success.

More provisions shopping and then return to RB for swim and chill out session before sundowners at 5.00 pm.
Sundowners Outside The Van At Roebuck Bay
The View From In Front of The Van
We had a cooked tea in the van and spent the evening watching TV and updating the Blog. Tomorrow we leave this lovely spot and blast down the highway to Port Hedland, a distance of about 600 kms so, it is early to bed so as to make an early start.

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