Saturday 30 October 2010

Aus Day 40 - Cable Beach - Crocodile Stops Play

Friday 29th October     Aus Day 40

Up at 06.10 this morning as we have to get the van to the Ford Agent by 08.00 showered, breakfast and actually ready to go by 07.35.

Van delivered and we were told to check back in at about 11.00 to find progress. We wanted to get to Cable Beach so decided that we could walk there without much of a problem so, off we set. We reached the beach at a point about 2 kms sou8th of the surf club and walked along the beach until we got there. Beautiful beach and exercise as well. However, it seems that the crocodile watch is still in force so there was no chance to go in for a swim.
Part of the 20 kms of Cable Beach
Cable Beach Looking South - Can't See Any Crocodile
We indulged in a smoothie at Zanders before boarding the Town Bus for the Boulevard Shopping Centre for a bit of air conditioned retail therapy and a spot of lunch, after which I checked with the garage to find that the van was ready for collection.

Having picked up the van, which was now performing to a much better standard we returned to Roebuck Bay and once again had our swim and sunbathing session in this idyllic spot and then chilled out until sundowner time.
Eileen Returning From Swimming in Roebuck Bay
Re-established contact with the UK at 6.45 pm and then strolled up the road to Matso’s Brewery and Restaurant for our evening meal. Overdressed by local standards but, we felt better that way.

Eileen had the Famous Fish and Chips while I settled for the 3 meat Thai curry washed down with a glass of Squealing Pig for Eileen and a pint of Sow’s Ear for me. A lovely meal all round.

Strolled back to the caravan park and had a nightcap sitting under the stars, overlooking the bay. And so to bed.

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