Thursday 4 November 2010

Aud Day 45 - Onslow to Exmouth and Whale Watching

Wednesday 3rd November    Aus Day 45

Up at 07.10, showered and breakfast before taking a stroll up the beach for a couple more photos of it and the War Memorial. Left the camp site at 08.30 with a quick stop in the village for fuel while Eileen to photos of the Beadon Bay Hotel to remember last night by. Headed back to the Highway with a photo of Mt Minnie on the way. Travelling down the highway towards Nanutarra we got a photo of a road rain as it was parked at the side of the road.

Onslow Beach looking towards the Headland
Onslow Memorial Looking West
The Beadon Bay Hotel Where We Had Our Encounter With Margaret
Mt Minnie on the Onslow Road
Road Train at the Side of The Highway
Turned off the Highway again onto the Exmouth road and stopped briefly for a spot of lunch at about 12.00. We completed the final lap into Exmouth and found the Visitor Information Centre where we checked out available caravan parks and looked into a number of the available tours. We decided to spend just the one night in Exmouth and move on the Coral Bay in the morning.

The Welcome to Exmouth Sign

Checked into the camp site and having set up the van, had a swim and caught a few rays in the very nice swimming pool. As we relaxed we took the opportunity to examine the Town & area map a bit more closely and thought it might be a good idea to travel a bit further up the coast to the Lighthouse lookout which was identified as a whale watching point, so off we went.

Some beautiful views of the coast from the lookout and although we were not too hopeful of spotting whales, amazingly we saw a number of them spouting and surfacing as they travelled along the coast line even managed to get a photograph.

Beautiful View From Exmouth Lighthouse Lookout
Definitely A Whale - One Of Many We Saw
Coming down from the lookout we went to have a quick look at the Surfer’s Beach with it’s powerful waves and breakers. While we were there we even spotted turtles patrolling up and down parallel with the beach. All in all a memorable time.

Back to the camp site and re-installed the van just in time for sun downers followed by our second BBQ with pork spare ribs, beef steaks and chicken kebabs with potatoes and salad, all very nice.

JB Slaving Over The BBQ In The Camp Kitchen
Eileen Enjoying A Pre Prandial Aperitif
Returned to the van and spent the remainder of the evening chatting and watching TV before turning in at 10 pm.

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