Friday 5 November 2010

Aus Day 46 - Coral Bay and Fin's Cafe

Thursday 4th November    Aus Day 46

Up at 07.00, shower, breakfast, completed yesterday’s Blog notes. Eileen is being brilliant, organising the van while I am trying to catch up with the Blog notes.

Ready to leave the sit by 08.30 so called into shops and Post Office to get a few bits and pieces. We then visited the Town Beach to see what we might have missed (not a lot), before hitting the road to Coral Bay at 09.30.

Exmouth Town Beach
Exmouth Town Beach Yacht Club

The road is quite busy this morning and apart from vehicles we had to take avoiding action for 2 Emus, 2 Sheep and a number of cattle.
Caution Animals !!!
However, we arrived in Coral Bay just before 11.00 and having booked a glass bottom boat trip, with snorkeling, for tomorrow we checked into a beach front site on the Peoples Park caravan park for 2 nights and booked a table at Fin’s Cafe for dinner this evening at 7.00.

Coral Bay Beach
Coral Bay Beach

Coral Bay Beach
After a spot of lunch we walked around the bay in the direction of the shark sanctuary but not a single shark did we see. It turns out we may not have walked far enough so will have another go tomorrow.

We returned to the main bay area and had a swim. The water was actually quite cool and with the breeze that was blowing we felt quite cold when we got out of the water even though the temperature was about 37 degrees.

Returned to the van and I got on with a bit more Blog updating while Eileen grabbed a few more rays while reading her book.

Approximately 5.00 and time for sundowners then a walk along the beach before showering, in time for our meal at Fin’s Cafe. Eileen had the Spotted Red Emperor fish and chips while I had selected the Pasta Marinara. Both of us finished off with a delicious ice-cream sundae.

Eileen at Fin's Cafe

JB at Fin's Cafe
 Having finished our meal, we returned to the van by 9.00 pm, watched a bit of TV while chatting, with the Air Con switched off as the temperature had dropped a bit from what we had become used to on previous evenings, before hitting the sack quite early.

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