Saturday 2 October 2010

Aus Day 13 - Head for the 'Centre of the Centre'

Saturday 2nd October Aus Day 13

I was woken at about 06.00 by the sound of a Myrna bird giving forth with a variety of different tunes. It was quite entertaining for the first 5 minutes but, then began to pale a little. However, he/she gave up after about 15 minutes and I drifted off to sleep again. I then didn’t waken until 08.00, my latest time yet but, I was not in a hurry so didn’t panic too much.

The usual shower and breakfast followed by a quick read of my emails to use up the last of my Internet time. Then, refuel and hit the road by 10.00. It is a bit cooler this morning with a stiff breeze blowing but, this eased as I drifted down the highway doing my impersonation of a Sunday afternoon driver. However, not far down the road I had to stop to take the following view of the George Gill Range where Kings Canyon is located.
George Gill Range from the Luritja Road
I called into the Kings Creek Road house with the main intention of getting a photo of Charlie, the cockatoo. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be seen so, instead I managed to get the following snaps of a magpie and a piping shrike.
Piping Shrike
Joined the Lasseter Highway at about 13.20 where, at the junction there is a “Red Centre Way” sign and curiously, a tree festooned with clothing. I have absolutely no idea why. Maybe someone can enlighten me.
The Red Centre Way Sign
Clothing Tree????
I also managed to get a couple of shots of this butterfly.
Same Butterfly
Setting off again I drifted slowly eastwards, making a brief stop at Mt Ebenezer Roadhouse and then pausing along the highway to photograph a few examples of the flora that I had been witnessing along the way, some of it in great profusion. I suspect that much of it will be burnt off and disappear again in the not too distant future.
Roadside Flora
Roadside Flora
Bush Just Coming Into Bloom
Arrived at Erldunda at 15.15. This is termed The Desert Oaks Resort and self styled “The Centre of the Centre.” I was soon booked in and found myself a very pleasant powered site shaded by trees and with a patch of grass on which I set up my table and chair and was soon enjoying a cooling beer.
Hard at Work - As Usual
Once again the site had no mobile phone network coverage, although it does have Cacti and a postage stamp size pool; but is covered by PieWiFi so was successful in connecting and holding a Skype session with the lovely Eileen. Soon after this I wandered over to the Tavern and treated myself to a beefburger and fries. However, this beefburger would have fed the 5,000, assuming they weren’t vegetarian. It even included bacon and egg. It was starting to get a little rowdy so retired to the van to complete this draft and upload Aus Day 12. With luck I may even get this one uploaded before Zebedee calls.
Cactus by the Erldunda Pool
The NOT Olympic Size Pool
The Erldunda Tavern
Well folks, that's it with posting this, I am fully up to speed and I have finally beaten Zebedee, so I will go to bed when I feel like. So There!!!

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