Saturday 2 October 2010

Aus Day 12 - Walk the Walk

Friday 1st October Aus Day 12

Up at 06.45 this morning, definitely getting better. Showered and breakfast then wrapped van up to be on my way by 08.00. I did the short drive to the Kings Canyon car park and was setting off on the Kings Canyon Rim Walk by 08.35

Since I have spent all of today in the Kings Canyon Area there won’t be a great deal of commentary. Who shouted Hurrah??? Instead I will just let the pictures and captions do the talking. However, since I ended up with about 70 pictures I have selected just a dozen to keep you going and they will be presented in Chronological order.

Start the Walk From the Car Park

What! - Up There???
The walk from the car park is very misleading as you are very quickly faced with a very stiff climb indeed. It is not long after commencing this climb that you realise why they advise that only reasonably fit and healthy people should attempt the Rim Walk but, I decided to go anyway. (Alright – who laughed?) Once at the top, the view is breathtaking. (no pun intended)
First view from the Rim overlooking the plain
However, not quite as breathtaking as when you are sat on the edge.
I was just sitting here, minding my own business
Jack Cotterill pioneered tourism at Kings Canyon and built a bridge across a chasm which gave views from the North wall. However, that bridge collapsed in 1991 and has since been replaced by a modern wooden structure. Once across the bridge (don’t look down) it gave access to views like these.
View from Cotterill's Lookout
View from Cotterill's Lookout
View to the South Wall From Cotterill's Lookout
About halfway around the rim a wooden staircase led down into something of an oasis where trapped water gave rise to lush vegetation. The following pictures show the staircases in and out of “The Garden of Eden” and give some idea of the growth there.
Stairway into "The Garden of Eden"
Garden of Eden Information Board
Bridge Across "The Garden of Eden"
Stairway on the opposite side
Once around the other side of the rim this shot shows other people just accessing Cotterill’s lookout, having crossed the wooden bridge.

People Accessing Cotterill's Lookout Seen from the South Side
Not too long after this, the following sign came as something of a welcome relief as the temperature was now approaching 34 degrees and there wasn’t much shade to be had.
Nearly there!!!
This still left a kilometre to travel but it was now all downhill and relatively easy underfoot. Although I hadn’t been rushing and in fact had diverted from time to time to take photographs, I completed the walk in 2 hours and 35 minutes while the advertising brochure estimates 3 to 4 hours for the walk. My right ankle was feeling a little stressed but, nowhere near what I had expected. It is a walk I would recommend to anyone, assuming they are fit enough to do the initial climb, and some of the views are absolutely beautiful. Photographs don’t do it justice, particularly these which have been compressed for web usage.

Having completed the walk, I returned to the resort, gave the van a quick check over, oil, water etc and then spent the afternoon chilling out by drafting the Blog update. I think this is taking over my life. Mind you I did chance to get my legs out again; I even got some freckles emerging on my feet.
Well! That's the Van Sorted. What's Next?
Finished the day off by visiting the Dingo Bar for a beer and a meal of Barramundi and chips. All in all a good day was had by all until of course Zebedee said “and so to bed.”
The Dingo Bar - Not Bad For The Odd Beer or Two

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