Monday 27 September 2010

Aus Day 7 - To the Opal Fields

Sunday 26th September Aus Day 7

Up at 07.00 this morning to the sound of dogs barking, kids screaming and motorbike engines roaring. Makes for a fine alarm clock but I could have done without it. However, showered, breakfast, tidied the van then completed yesterday’s Blog update although I have no idea when I’ll get to post it. Anyway after refuelling at the BP station I hit the road to Coober Pedy at 09.30. But here is a photo of the Van on the site at Glendambo.

My Camper Van at Glendambo
I am really into the Outback now, apart from the highway, there is not a lot to be seen in any direction. I think the following 2 shots demonstrate quite well. These were taken some 25 minutes after leaving Glendambo.

Miles From Anywhere

Still Miles From Anywhere
I am making it a rule to stop at all major rest areas, just to get out of the van and stretch my legs, otherwise there is a danger of falling asleep at the wheel and I certainly don’t want that to happen. Most of the major rest sites have a certain amount of tourist information which tells a story as you progress from one to the next. Perhaps predictably, about John McDouall Stuart who completed the first South to North crossing of Australia and after whom this highway is named. The following were taken at the Bon Bon Rest Area.
Bon Bon Rest Area Info

Bon Bon Rest Area Info
Bon Bon Rest Area Info
Bon Bon Rest Area Info
As I was driving along I had noticed quite a number of small lizard type creatures sunning themselves, either on or, by the side of the road. So, at the next rest area I set about trying to find and photograph one of these creatures and spent about half an hour searching the ground. Well, I spotted one very small one but, o course it was far too quick for me to get a photo of it so, you’ve got one of the van instead.
A Fairly Remote Rest Area
The next major rest break area was Ingomar where I stopped for a cup of coffee and got chatting to an ex-Bavarian guy who came to Aus in 1969. He was travelling in a very smart Mitsubishi 4x4 and was also heading for Darwin. However, he was expecting to get there in 4/5 days whereas I don’t expect to be there until about 13th/14th October. He was then going to be heading for the East coast and down to Sydney, (the route I had taken in 2000) before heading back to Adelaide. Anyway, this rest site had more information boards, as you can see below.
Ingomar Rest Area Information
Ingomar Rest Area Information
The wide open terrain continued and at 13.30 with only another 50 kms to go before I reached Coober Pedy, I couldn’t resist showing you another example:
Only Another 50 Kms to Coober Pedy
Even though I was doing my best impersonation of a Sunday Driver, it was still only 14.10 when I arrived at Coober Pedy to be greeted by the following iconic sight:
Coober Pedy Welcome Sign
I had a quick drive into town, quickly checking out where the fuel stations were and noting that there are two supermarkets. Unfortunately, being Sunday, the Information Office was closed so I checked into the Stuart Range Caravan Park at about 2.30 pm.
The Entrance to the Stuart Range Caravan Park
As it happens, I was glad that I had arrived early because by about 4.00 pm there was a queue of camper vans and caravans waiting to book in and by 5.00 pm the park was looking pretty full. I had some trouble establishing Internet access but finally managed it by taking my laptop to the reception pizza bar. A bit of a pain but better than not connecting. I decided to stay for a second night and also take advantage of the Coober Pedy Tour that was being offered. Additionally I treated myself to an Aussie Pizza for my evening meal (Tomato, Cheese, Ham, Egg and Bacon). Sounds strange but it went down very well. Then, of course, that chap Zebedee was calling and so it was off to bed.

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