Friday 1 October 2010

Aus Day 11 - Kings Creek or Kings Canyon? Choices, Choices

Thursday 30th September Aus Day 11

Up in better time this morning (07.00) after being woken from 04.00 onwards by various groups setting off to do the Sunrise viewing of Uluru which, I decided to skip. It was much cosier in my bed.

Following the usual shower and breakfast, I drafted the Blog entry for Day 10 and was ready to depart by 09.30. However, I decided to take just a couple more shots of Uluru plus some of the Resort entrance and by the time I had fuelled up for the day I didn’t hit the road until 10.10, still I wasn’t in a tearing hurry.
Uluru in the Morning
Entrance Sign to Ayers Rock Resort
I suspected that, today there would not be much to stop for; particularly in the way of interesting photographs therefore I started to take a snap of the road head at each 10 to 20 kms just to try and demonstrate the changing terrain and vegetation. Consequently I ended up with some 20 views of the Road Ahead. However, don’t panic I have just picked a couple to show you.
Flat countryside with relatively sparse vegetation near Uluru
Undulating Terrain with Good Vegetation Cover on Luritja Road
The first stop I made was to get another shot of Mt Connor from the Lookout at about 11.30 then about 30 minutes later I arrived at the Kings Canyon turn off and turned North onto the Luritja Road. At a small rest area at 12.40 had a wander, to stretch my legs, and spotted a couple of pigeons snuggled together on the branch of a tree.
Aaaahhhhh - The Branch is Actually Horizontal
Another 80 kms saw me pulling into the Kings Creek Roadhouse which I had had recommended to me for a night stop. However, after a look around at some of the “attractions”, including Helicopter Rides, Camel Rides, Quad Biking and a very noisy cockatoo called Charlie, I spotted that their Internet was “temporarily unavailable” and decided that maybe the Kings Canyon Resort would be a better option so, saddled up and mossied on out of there.
Kings Creek Roadhouse
Camels, Ready to go - Kings Creek Roadhouse
I arrived at the Resort by 14.45 and booked in for two nights. The camp site was well laid out and even had areas of grass. Chose a powered site, near to the facilities, with some tree shade. Got the laundry underway for starters then settled down with a beer in the sunshine outside the van. I think this is the first time on this trip that I have had my legs out. Lovely aren’t they. However, one can’t seem to do much to beat the fly hazard although I have been trying some Tropical Strength insect repellent. Still haven’t decided if there is any improvement yet.
JB at Kings Canyon Resort Camp Site - Lovely Legs
The wind has now dropped to a gentle breeze and today’s max temperature is 29 while the forecast for tomorrow is 33 degrees. That’ll do for me Tommy!!! Indications are that Internet access is better here than at Ayers Rock Resort so fingers crossed. However, I do not have any mobile phone network cover. Still, I suppose one can’t have everything.

Hurrah, successful Skype session with Eileen and even a quick up-date with sister Valerie, then it was just time to beetle off up to the Sunset Viewing platform where I stood around with a small gaggle of others and managed to bang off some 43 photos and a couple of videos. Damn glad I’m not using roll film! Still here are just a couple for you to see.
Approaching Sunset at Kings Canyon Resort
Almost Sunset at Kings Canyon Resort
Following this I called into the Dingo Bar for a beer, with the laptop, to update the Blog. However, this proved to be too distracting so returned to the van to complete Wednesday’s update. Then of course, Zebedee arrived with his “and so to bed.”

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