Thursday 14 October 2010

Aus Day 25 - Hidden Valley to Darwin

Thursday 14th October Aus Day 25

Up at 06.30 this morning, as I need to get yesterday’s Blog finished and published. Shower, breakfast and then Blog and email, I seem to be spending a great deal of my life in front of this laptop but maybe it will all be worth it in the end. When I am in my dotage, (who said when???) I will be able to read back over the Blog entries and remember my big adventure, if adventure is the right word. I have had some very nice comments though so please keep them coming, it makes this peregrinator very happy.
The Van Parked up at the Hidden Valley Tourist Park
Once caught up with things this morning, I took myself off into Darwin to check out the shopping centre, a couple of the beaches and access to the Airport for when I need to collect Eileen, next week.

Darwin centre is fairly compact, laid out on a grid pattern so it’s quite easy to find your way around. I bought myself a couple of cheap Aussie tee shirts and an antenna to go with the Next G network adapter. This should improve reception when we are travelling down the West Coast. I would hate to be out of contact again.
They Don't Do Subtlety
From the CBD (Central Business District) just a short walk to the Esplanade, where I got my first view of the Timor Sea:
Walk through the Bicentennial Park - Off the Esplanade
First View of the Sea From the Bicentennial Park
I drove around the coast road into the Fannies Bay area and stopped to take a couple of shots on Vesteys Beach which looked beautiful. This is just up from Mindil Beach where on a Thursday and Sunday evening, they hold a Sunset Market. I don’t think that I will get chance to be there tonight but maybe next week.
Vesteys Beach in Fannies Bay - Looking South
Vesteys Beach in Fannies Bay - Looking North
The next job was to research the Airport car parking for when I meet Eileen next week. This turned out to be quite straight forward but, these things so often are when you have plenty of time in hand. They are only difficult when you are trying desperately to meet a deadline.

After that it was a slow meander back to the caravan park as I needed to get the van sorted out for exchange tomorrow morning, when I pick up a 4X4 Camper for the next 9 days. Got to go and do a bit of off-roading while I’m in Aus, or at least dirt tracking.

Made the regular Skype contact with the lovely Eileen and then just before 6pm adjourned to the pool for a refreshing dip. Following this with Al Fresco salad for my evening meal, I will be starting to look like a salad soon if I’m not careful. I have just checked the max temperature recorded in Darwin today and it seems that it was only 32 degrees. Well, I can tell you that if felt a lot warmer than that. Especially if you couldn’t find any shade.

Well, my ‘Mate’ Zebedee will be calling before too much longer so I will try to pre-empt him by getting this Blog update published tonight which will then leave me with a clear day tomorrow in order to swap the van and blast back down to Katherine en-route to the Bungle Bungles. Night for now!

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