Thursday 14 October 2010

Aus Day 24 - Delayed by Railway Museums

Wednesday 13th October Aus Day 24

Didn’t have to good a night and was roused at 03.17 by a sales message fro Orange on my mobile. Just what I wanted. It started raining at about 06.00 so I didn’t get up until 07.30 to an overcast, dull, humid day with rain still falling. I have shown you the lake that formed in the road between the camper sites. It is a good job that I got all my laundry done and dried yesterday afternoon. Had breakfast and updated my travel accounts before showering, just for a change. I seem to spend a lot of time updating things, maybe I’m obsessed (No comments please Samantha) but, I’m not comfortable unless I got a good handle on how things stand.

Van packed up and ready to go at 09.50 so, refuelled and it the road. First port of call was Pine Creek which has a railway museum but apparently it only opens one day a week. (Not today) However, I wandered up the ‘Lookout’ which overlooks the disused & flooded Enterprise Goldmine and now makes a very pleasant spot.
Flooded Remains of the Enterprise Gold Mine - Pine Creek
JB at the Pine Creek Lookout
Having scrambled back down to the road I found the old railway station and what is termed the ‘Miner’s Park’ with relics of the gold mining machinery, so had a good look around and, of course, took a couple of photos including one of a Boab (or Boabab) Tree:
Pine Creek Railway Station
Pine Creek Gold Mining Relics
JB at Pine Creek - No Trains Today?
Boab Tree Amongst the Relics
I thought I had better get a move on so headed off up the road but, after about another 110 kms I arrived at Adelaide River where they had another railway museum. This one was open so naturally I had to call in. When I did I found out that somewhere between my leaving Pine Creek and arriving at Adelaide River, the Ghan train had passed going south. Drat!!!

The Museum is a small affair consisting of the original station building, a preserved carriage which doubles as the Visitor Information Centre, an old Diesel engine, a couple of wagons and a workshop. Still I had a good look round and the chap who acts as tourist information person and curator escorted me round and gave me his prepared speech:
The Original Adelaide River Railway Station 1888
Apparently the first Diesel Engine Used on the Northern Line
A Cattle Truck and one of the first Bulk Fuel Carriers
Time was now pressing as I still had some 100 plus kms to go before getting to Darwin where I would then have to locate the caravan park. So, off I set and managed to get to Darwin and the caravan park by 16.30 without having to stop at any more railway memorabilia.

Caravan Park is a bit on the expensive side at $36 a night for a powered site, however, it is where Eileen and I will be spending the first nights of her arrival, so wanted to check it out. Managed to get parked up and logged on just in time for our scheduled Skype session at 5.00 pm local time, 08.30 UK time and after we had exchanged news etc I went for a dip in the pool which is well maintained but, the water was a bit on the warm side.
The Pool at the Hidden Valley Tourist Park
Evening meal was salad again, how good am I? And then the rest of the evening spent checking emails etc before retiring at approx 10.30 because Zebedee said I had to.

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