Tuesday 12 October 2010

Aus Day 20 - Traction Engine Graveyard?

Saturday 9th October Aus Day 20

Rose at 06.45 this morning, things to do, places to go. Shower and breakfast, updated travel accounts, which I had forgotten last night, (I’m going to have to sack my Secretary) and was sat outside the BP Station (Internet Access Point) at 08.30 trying to log on in order to update the Blog. An hour later and the Blog was updated, emails checked and bank balance checked. So, All Systems Are Go!

Before I move on I thought I’d just show you the Caravan Park and the BP Station where I was having to log on.

The Outback Caravan Park - Tennant Creek

JB's Internet Access Location
I hit the road by 09.35 but, not having a great distance to cover immediately lapsed into Sunday Afternoon Driver mode but even so, by 09.50 I had reached the Barkly Highway turnoff at the Threeways Roadhouse. However, I carried on just a little way past this, to photograph the John Flynn Memorial:
The John Flynn Memorial Near ThreeWays Roadhouse
The Very Reverend John Flynn (1880 – 1951) proposed a string of Nursing Homes across the Australian Inland and as Superintendent of the Australian Inland Mission, he established 15 widely scattered hospitals across the Inland Regions, including Adelaide House in Alice Springs, the first hospital in Central Australia. The establishment of the Royal Flying Doctor Service was largely due to his vision and energy. The first Flying Doctor Base was established at Cloncurry, Queensland, in 1928.

Leaving the Memorial I backtracked to the ThreeWays Roadhouse in order to use their facilities, as they say, and then ‘hung a left’ and proceeded in an easterly direction down the Barkly Highway. (your honour!!!)
The ThreeWays Roadhouse - Junction of Stuart and Barkly Highways
I had only 188 kms to cover to get to the Barkly Homestead Roadhouse, my intended overnight stop-off so, continued in the Sunday Driver mode, drifting slowly down the highway, serenaded by Simon & Garfunkle whilst taking in the vast expanses of the Barkly Tableland and being hassled by the rush hour traffic;
Australian - Barkly Tableland
Rush Hour on the Barkly Highway
At the 41 Mile Bore Rest Area, I pulled off just to pass a bit of time really but managed while I was there to get a couple of photos of Gullahs and I think that this proves that they can’t read:
I don't Care what is says, It Tastes Alright to me!

I Told You We Shouldn't Drink That Water!!!
There is not much else to report about this shortish journey except that I stopped again at the next rest area to have a spot of lunch and spent 1.5 hour there, mostly contemplating the inside of my eyelids. This delayed my getting to the Barkly Homestead until 2.20 pm when I booked in for the night. Unfortunately, there is no mobile phone network and no Internet access so; it looks as though I am marooned on a communications desert island. However, I’m sure there will be a land line which I can use to establish some limited contact with civilisation.

The other facilities at the Homestead are quite acceptable and I was very surprised to find a collection of old traction engine relics adorning the frontage. A couple of them I present for your appreciation along with a general view of the roadhouse:
Barkly Homestead Roadhouse
Remains of Vintage Traction Engine
Having set up camp, so to speak, and established the limit of communication facilities, I had little else to do but draft this Blog and then prepare for an evening meal while relaxing in the shade with a refreshing beer.

Finally managed to make contact with the UK via a very dodgy land line but am feeling very put out at not being able to communicate properly with the lovely Eileen. I have to content myself with the thought that she will be joining me in Darwin on the night of 21st October, for three weeks as we travel down the west coast to Perth. Brilliant!!!

Treated myself to an evening meal in the Roadhouse which was rather busy but not with campers so, I have no idea where all of these ‘locals’ have appeared from as there doesn’t appear to be anything else for miles around. Still, not for me to worry about, that chap Zebedee is around so it’s off to bed.

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