Sunday 5 September 2010

Days 3, 4 and 5

Day 3 (Thursday 2nd September)

Already I am having difficulty trying to keep this journal up to date and I have also realised that trying to see as much of New Zealand as had originally intended will not be possible so, I going to have to be more selective about where I go and how long I stop. Today I was going to try making it to the very northern point of North Island at Cape Reinga but distance too great. So decided on a half way compromise in order to get to see Ninety Mile Beach, at Waipapakauri.

Below, I have shown a map of the general area, including Cape Reinga followed by a map of the route I took today.

Setting off from Paihia in the Bay of Islands along Route 10 via Kerikeri, Kaeo and Coopers Beach where I finally got chance to stop off and take a few scenic pictures of Doubtless Bay. See Below:

Finally arrived at Waipapakauri Beach which is located at the southern end of Ninety Mile Beach. A place that is featured quite strongly in the PR photos of the area. However, today it was wet, cold and very windy. I managed to get a bit of videoing done, but didn’t feel too inclined to stop long. Note: I must get myself a pair of ‘long johns.’ The following is a ‘still’ I extracted from the video:

Set off on the return leg but soon stopped for a spot of lunch at Awanui in order to see a ‘Giant Kauri Staircase.’ No, I had no idea what to expect either. However, it turned out to be a nice little cafe and showroom with lots of NZ souvenirs and a spiral staircase carved out of a single Kauri tree trunk which is reputed to be some 45,000 years old: See Photos

Continuing to travel down Route 1 South I once again became frustrated at the inability to stop at particular locations to take photos. I must tray to devise some way of taking photos on the move so to speak. Very ‘interesting’ drive through the hills with things clattering about in the van cupboards. Luckily, so far, nothing has gotten broken.

Eventually arrived back at the Beachside Holiday Home site after stopping off for more provisions and managing to get myself a very snazzy, cheap, pair of sneakers. Just what I need for tramping about camp sites.

Re-established on site and soon busy catching up with emails and updating blog, making maximum use of the free wifi.

Day 4 (Friday 3rd September)

Up at 07.00 this morning and apparently first in the shower block. It took ages for the water to get hot. Thought I was going to have to have a cold shower. Perish the thought. Daughter, texted just as I finished breakfast having trouble with the printer. Got in touch via Skype, to discuss problem. Then took control of home computer via ‘Teamviewer’, cleared the printer queue and got things working again. Samantha thought this was Very Sneaky. Technology is wonderful – when it works!!!

Hit the road by 09.30 and heading south but undecided as to how far to go. Will see where I get to by lunchtime and then decide.

As it happens, I found myself close to Puhoi again by 12.30 so called in for lunch. Ham sandwich and coke in the van. Would have preferred coffee but no mains power unless on a camp site.

I decided to press on to south of Auckland, thus putting the city and its traffic behind me. As it happens this was a very wise decision as tomorrow (Saturday) they are expecting the world’s biggest traffic jam as they close the southern highway until Monday, for maintenance. So, eventually arrived at the ‘South Auckland Caravan Park’. I have been to better places but didn’t fancy trying to find anywhere else at that time of day, 3.00pm so, got parked up and got on with some chores. Why have I got no-one to do my washing for me? Unfortunately, no Internet access so was unable to update the blog. No photos today either.

Day 5 (Saturday 4th September)

Packed up and on the road by 08.30 and very soon heard about the earthquake which had struck Christchurch in the early hours of the morning. Apparently significant damage sustained but no fatalities and only 2 serious injuries. Some damage reported to Airport but, no idea yet if this will affect my flight t Adelaide on 19th September.

However, it is a beautiful day and I have decided to head for Rotorua, via Tauranga. Stopped off at Karagahake and did a photo shoot beside the Ohinemuri river and then on up the road a way where there is a small water fall. See photo:

Once again some very ‘interesting’ driving was required wit speeds occasionally down to no more than 35KPH. Good job that I have packed everything away in the van securely.

Further news on the earthquake, a state of emergency has been declared in the Canterbury Region which may last up to 7 days.

Arrived in Tauranga at approx mid-day, parked up and had a stroll around the waterfront and shopping centre. See Photos:

Enquired in the Information Centre for the best way to Rotorua and was given very clear directions by a very helpful young lady.

Stopped for a late lunch about 30 minutes out of Tauranga then continued down Route 36 until reaching Rotorua by about 15.00. I checked out one camp site but wasn’t too impressed. Maybe I’m getting picky!!! However, got first photos of Rotorua Lake:

Found my way to the Top 10 site and booked in for 1 night, although I may stop for 2. Went to the Mall and topped up on provisions and also treated myself to a new pair of swim trunks, about £5.00 so didn’t break the bank. Having parked up for the day, I walked back into town, just to have a look round and because it was such a beautiful day. It was a very nice sunset as well but couldn’t find suitable vantage point in time.

Following tea in the van, I was going to update the Blog etc, but found that the temperature was plummeting and I was having trouble trying to keep warm despite wearing 3 sweaters. Blog update delayed and retired under my duvet.

Communications are proving to be pretty good. Text messages are getting through almost straight away and where Internet access is available emails and Skype are both good. Received a final text from daughter about 10.00 pm. And so to bed said Zebedee

See you later.

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