Thursday 9 September 2010

Day 9 - Across to South Island

Day 9 (Wednesday 8th September)

Up at the crack of sparrows this morning, in fact, I think they were still in kip when I got up at 05.30 'cause it was still dark. However, at least I was first in the shower. Usual routine for breakfast, packed up and on the road for 06.35. I could have left it a little later but didn’t want to miss the ferry. As it happens, I was at the check-in by 06.55 and just waiting to be loaded.

Weather cloudy but fine although a bit chilly.

Wellington Harbour

The Kaitaki
Radio reports of seismic activity on North Island yesterday, in the region of Hawke Bay where I had been the day before. However, I didn’t feel anything and I suspect the radio presenter was a bit sceptical.

Eventually loaded onto the ferry Kaitaki and set sail at approximately 08.40. Uneventful crossing although misty rain and sunshine gave rise to a close proximity rainbow:

The ship has just navigated that small channel

Very Close Proximity Rainbow
Arrived at Picton, South Island at 12.15 and decided to take the coast road, Queen Charlotte Drive. I should have realised what sort of road it was when I saw the sign restricting maximum vehicle length to 12.9 metres. The early part of the route overlooks Picton Harbour and Queen Charlotte Sound.

Overlooking Picton Harbour

Overlooking Queen Charlotte Sound
Driving was quite a challenge and it is probably just as well that I didn’t have any passengers. At one time I had the nearside, rear, wheel off the ground and spinning without providing any traction. Still, I made it.

Some spectacular scenery along the way but unfortunately nowhere to stop for photographs until I was almost at Havelock

View near Havelock
where I rejoined Route 6 and it became almost plain sailing all the way to Nelson where I booked into the Kiwi Holiday Park by about 2.45. Since I had been up since 05.30, I really didn’t fancy going any further.

Having got set up, I took myself off for a walk and eventually found myself on the local beach so , naturally had to take a couple more photos

The Beach at Nelson

JB On Nelson Beach
Returning to the van I treated myself to a beer

JB at Nelson Planning for Tomorrow
while soaking up the sunshine and planning the following day’s trip. I was joined, in an overhanging tree by a Tui, a distinctive Kiwi bird which is also the symbol of the NZ Brewing company “TUI”, It seems I was very privileged to have one stay so close to me. However, I think it was because that just happened to be his tree.

My Mate - Tui
Finished the evening with emails, Skype conversation and updating the Blog.

Oh, I didn’t find out until it was too late, the camp site is right underneath the local airport flight path. Ho Hum, and so to bed said Zebedee!!!

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