Monday 18 October 2010

Aus Day 28 - Up the Katherine

Sunday 17th October     Aus Day 28

Up at 06.45 this morning shower, breakfast and get myself prepped for the Gorge boat trip. I am still undecided about what to do after the boat trip. Move on? If so to where? Or, stay at Katherine Gorge for another night?

Anyway, I arrived at the jetty for the boat trip at 08.40 but, as I suspected, there was no activity until 09.00 when about 30 of us were shepherded onto a smallish river boat and off we set, up the gorge: Click on the link to learn more about Katherine Gorge.
A Motley Crew

First Part of the Gorge

The Skipper and Guide at the Wheel
The Skipper and guide appeared to be very knowledgeable about the area and local flora (as you would expect) reeling off plant names in Australian, Latin and Jawoyn (the language of the local aboriginal people).

The gorge is quite impressive, as I think the photos show, (the originals are even better). Katherine Gorge is actually a series of 13 gorges and the tourist trips from here usually cover just 2 or 3 of them. Because of my delicate skin I didn’t want to be exposed to the sun for too long so opted for the 2 gorge trip of 2 hours. At the end of the first gorge you have to get off one boat and walk for about 600 metres and then get on a second boat to do the next gorge. I assume this process gets repeated for the third gorge as well. As well as the boat trips, canoes are for hire and swimming is allowed.
You Might Just be Able to See the Canoeists

Through the Gorge

Arrival at the Transit Point
Had to get into the picture during the transfer between gorges and also of interest here is the rock painting, reputed to be some 23,000 years old and some of the oldest art work found anywhere in the world. We were then into the second gorge with similar scenes.
JB in the Gorge
Rock Painting
Into The Second Gorge
I Think We Want to go Between Those Rocks
We returned to the start point just after 11.00 and by the time I had walked back to the Nitmiluk Centre I had decided to spend another night at Katherine Gorge. When I got back to the van I sorted out what bit of ‘housework’ there was to do and then set too sorting and labelling all of the photos taken during the morning plus the 25 minutes of video.

Having sorted out most of that and made a start on this Blog entry, I was overcome with a severe case of lethargy so had to go and recuperate by the side of the swimming pool and before I knew it, it was time to establish Internet connection in time for my cherished Skype session with Eileen.

As we were coming to a close, a wallaby took up residence just outside my van and Eileen bet me that it would be off like a shot, the minute I stepped outside to try and take a photograph. Well as you can see below, he actually stayed around to have his photo taken and to see if there was an food on offer. When he found there wasn’t he ambled off on his merry way.
Got Any Food Mate?
Following tea, when I reverted to good habits and made myself a salad, I went back to the poolside where another artist was performing. Mainly Country & Western style music but quite entertaining and all for free. Well, included in the camp site fees.

Tomorrow, I have decided to move on and get into the Kakadu area with a couple of nights at Jabiru where, I am led to believe, there is an even better swimming pool than the one here. So just before Zebedee springs up, I will wish you all a good night.

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