Wednesday 1 September 2010

HK Kowloon Park and beyond

Having stayed up until 01.30 on Sunday night, updating the Blog, emailing all & sundry and holding Skype sessions with daughter, grandson and brother,(not necessarily in that order) I didn't wake until 09.15 and only then because the hotel staff were vacuuming the corridor outside my room. However, after a quick shower I dressed and managed to get to breakfast before it finished. Tried to check-in on-line for my flight on Monday evening but, as with the first leg, it was no go.
Eventually left for Kowloon Park at 11.05. It is a 5 minute walk to the MTR and a 30 minute ride. Pretty good value for HK$8.50 (less than £1.00).
The Park is something of an oasis in the heart of this concrete jungle with lots of greenery, water features and wild birds. Here are a few pictures to illustrate. The first being a map to indicate where the park is located.

Followed by the Park Map itself:

This is followed by a view of one of the many fountains. This one was surrounded by dragonflies. (real ones)

Just to give you something to think about, this sculpture was entitled; "Concept of Newton".
Apart from the many and varied sculptures, the plaza below was also being used by a number of people exercising.

While this one seemed to have something to do with steel tubing.

And I am not too sure what these ducks were up to but, in the UK it would probably be banned. However, I also have some video of it.

Here is a self portrait of yours truly with Victoria Harbour behind. This is a public viewing area just outside Kowloon Park. The murkiness you see never did get any better while I was in HK.

In the same area I photographed this sculpture of dolphins when I was approached by an Indian chap wearing a turban (Sikh?) who engaged me in conversation and then proceeded to start telling my fortune by examining my forehead. However, this was terminated when, rather predictably, the request for money was made. (by him, not me). Those who know me will not be surprised to learn that he failed to extract anything from my pockets.

Having by now worked up a 'muck sweat' as they say, I headed back to the hotel, arriving there at 14.00 which just gave me time to pack, shower and cool down prior to checking out and catching the shuttle bus to the airport.
It became evident during my short stay in HK that not many other European tourists choose to travel about via the MTR. While travelling on the MTR I appeared to be, on average, a head taller than the local population and finally my beard caused considerable curiosity with one chap asking if it was real and another asking if I was a Muslim.
Once again checking in for the flight was straight forward and I was ensconced  in my seat on the 747-400 by 20.30 hours local wondering if I would be able to get stretched out as the aircraft seemed to be half empty. This proved to be the case and I was able to get some shut-eye during the 9 hour flight to Sydney.

Landed at Sydney at 08.00 local time on Tuesday 31 Aug. Proceeded through Transit without problems and was soon sat at the appropriate boarding gate where I was engaged in conversation by a NZ couple, currently living in Perth, Western Australia, who where going back home for a week. The aircraft (a Boeing 737) was boarded and pushed back on time but spent 20 minutes taxiing before take-off at 09.50.
Landed on time in Auckland after a 2.30 flight and transited Customs by 14.30 local time which gave me just enough time to arrange pick-up for the previously booked camper van and get to the local camper site. I had arrived in New Zealand and the long planned trip proper could get underway. However, that's another story which I will try to get fully up to date next time.

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