Sunday 29 August 2010

Hong Kong Sights

Well, as indicated lat night, I did manage to partake of a little light refreshment before retiring and felt all the better for it.
Rose at 07.30 this morning (Sunday 29th) and made it down for breakfast by 08.00. Having presented my voucher, it was a serve yourself breakfast with multiple choices of National cuisine. Naturally, I tried a bit of everything.
Following breakfast I did some writing up of notes for the blog and also to help me keep track of days and events. Then found my way into Hong Kong Island via the MTR (Metro). The following map should give you some idea of the area.

Spent some time wandering about the Piers and the IFC Mall before the heat and humidity got the better of me and drove me back to the hotel for a rest at about 3.00 PM. Just a few of the photos are shown below.

Having re-vitalised myself, I took the MTR back to Tsim Sha Tsui, on the Kowloon peninsular, in order to get a look at the lights of HK Island after dark. See photos below but they do not do it justice. I wouldn't want to pay the electric bill.

Having had a good wander about, I returned to the hotel and had a couple of beers before holding Skype conversations with brother David, daughter Samantha and grandson Matthew. All seems to be well. They assure me that they haven't wrecked the house yet.
Will try to get this published tomorrow morning before I set off to Kowloon Park. Then it will be checking out of the hotel by 6.00 PM local, in order to get to the airport for my late evening flight to Auckland via Sydney.
That's all for now see you later.

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