Friday 27 August 2010

AusTravel 2010 - Under Starter's Orders

Today is the 27th August 2010 and in approximately 4 hours time I will be departing for Manchester airport at the outset of a journey to New Zealand and Australia which should be the trip of a lifetime. I have been the recipient of so any good wishes from friends and family that I would like to say to them all. Many thanks and see you in time for Christmas.

I had hoped to insert a video clip for you here but unfortunately there has been a problem trying to upload it to the blog server. Hopefully, I will be ble to get this resolved soon.

So, today, I travel via Manchester and Heathrow to Hong Kong where I wil be having a 2 night stop over before continuing to Auckland in New Zealand by 31st Aug.
It is a lovely day, the sun is shining and the temperature is very acceptable. Hopefully, checking in a Manchester won't be too traumatic, given that it is a Bank Holiday weekend. I will check in again sometime later and keep you updated.
Keep watching for reglar updates. Alway dependent of course, on Internet availability.

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